Death of Cupids (The Blood of Cupids MC)

Death of Cupids (The Blood of Cupids MC) by Sophia Kenzie

Book: Death of Cupids (The Blood of Cupids MC) by Sophia Kenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Kenzie
closer.  My heart rate picked up at his suggestion, so I tucked my
hips into him while I softly cooed.  It was instinct, but my body was
reacting, it was warming up.  My thoughts were becoming seemingly clearer
just by the suggestion of intimacy.  Even though I wasn’t fully aware, I
couldn’t help but want.  Ryan knew exactly at what I was attempting to
    “Grace, what are you doing?”
    He knew.  Why was he asking me to spell it out for him?
“Warm me up.”
    “By… that?”
    He was adorably embarrassed.  “Ryan, I think it’s the
only way.”  I snuggled further into him.
    “I can’t… not with you, like this.  Not after he…”
    “He drugged me, that’s it.” I snapped.  “I’m not
broken, I’m just cold.  Ryan, I’m so cold.”  My voice cracked as I
tried to hold back the tears I’m sure would freeze as soon as they hit the cool
    “Okay Baby,” his voice was caring, sweet, not the way I was
used to hearing him speak when we were wrapped up in such a position, “I’ll
warm you up.”
    His lips pressed against mine, and I accepted their
taste.  He was slow, deliberate, trying to find anything that would wake
up my body.  I wanted to reciprocate; I wanted to throw my arms around
him, but my muscles weren’t yet following my orders.  His tongue circled
the inside of my mouth, begging for mine to join.  His fingers tickled my
sides, shooting electric shocks up my ribs.  He then moved his hands and
encompassed the whole of my back in his two palms.  I felt the energy from
his fingers reaching to the core of me.  His mouth deviated from mine and
found my ear.  His warm breath hummed, and I felt the goose bumps break
out over my legs.  They weren’t from the cold; they were from the
    Still purring in my ear, his fingers fumbled with the clasp
on my bra until he finally released my chest from its binds.  Carefully,
he slipped the straps down my arms, tormenting my skin with his
fingertips.  After having my senses dulled for God knows how long, the
slightest touch from him was beyond erotic.  He slipped his hands in mine,
caressing my palms with his touch.  I began to softly moan and my fingers
curled around his.
    His lips traveled down the side of my neck, his hot breath
adding to the intensity of the moment.  Each touch from him sent chills
through my body, pins and pricks only making his love that much more
tantalizing.  His hands left mine, bouncing from my hips to my ribs,
sliding through my waist in between.  My body felt crushed under his
weight, but the kind of crushed that made you crave.  My hands finally
responded, reaching for his hips and digging into him with my
fingernails.  I pushed at his waistband, begging to feel the full length
of his nakedness.  His touch disappeared for a brief second as he aided in
my quest for his body.  Feeling the warmth we shared and his size against
me was almost enough to push me over the edge.  I bit my lip to stop from
peaking as he used his thumb to playfully tease my nipple.  My chest
tightened at his touch, and I expanded into his waiting hands.  My fingers
danced on his back, and I could feel his chills form under my touch.  I
groaned at his movements as his hips pressed forward.  There was so much
more I wanted from him, the teasing was making me light headed.  I moved
his hands to my hips, deliberately hooking his thumbs beneath my laced lingerie. 
He yanked at the fabric, gliding it down my burning thighs.  He sunk down,
finding me with his passion and warming me with his movement.  He kissed
me deeply as he plunged his masculinity where he most desired.  I arched
my back, accepting all of him.  His pushes were slow, deliberate.  I
felt every inch of him as he slid in and out, over and over again.
    Our eyes stayed locked on each other as we slowly moved as
one.  I smiled, he smiled; I moaned, he moaned.
    “I love you.”
    “I love you too.”  I whispered

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