Death of a Bankster
Someday I hope to have a family.”
    Their meals came. Maddie had ordered chicken ravioli, Ryan, sirloin marsala. The waiter brought over the Chianti and a second glass for Maddie. After Ryan tasted the wine, the waiter poured a portion into each of their glasses with Maddie putting up her hand to signal not too much.
    “What do you do for the government? I assume you meant the federal government, given your comment about a lot of travel.”
    “Yes, federal. I’m sort of a trouble shooter. I move around a bit among certain agencies depending on need and issues that require my skills.”
    “Sounds a bit mysterious.”
    “Said like that, I guess it did.” He smiled again. He had a small cleft in his chin, much like Kirk Douglas, her mother’s favorite actor. “But no, not all that exciting, at least not most of the time.”
    Maddie paused to take a few bites, watching Ryan without trying to look obvious doing so. “The advice?” When Ryan looked unsure, she added, “You asked to join me because you needed a woman’s advice on something.”
    “Oh, yes. Thank you. I do. And, yes, it does involve a woman so a woman’s advice would be better than a man’s.”
    “That would likely be true on most matters.” Maddie bobbed her hand to lessen the impact of her words which might have seemed harsh. He smiled. They laughed. He took a bite. So did Maddie. They touched Chianti glasses and looked into each other’s eyes as they each took a drink.
    “I’ve recently met a woman. She has a wonderful smile and good eyes, a nice laugh. I mean that’s certainly not all. She is a lovely woman and, plainly said, her body is very, well, stimulating.”
    “I fail to see the problem. You need advice because—?” Maddie left it unfinished.
    “I would like to see more of her, in both meanings of that statement.” Ryan paused to look at Maddie and smile. She sent back an understanding smile. The lady and I have recently met and I’m concerned if I don’t make a move right away, I might not have another opportunity. Still, I don’t want her to think I’m coming on too fast. I can’t as yet determine where it might go, but it could be much more than just a seduction. I’m looking for advice on how I should proceed.”
    “Well, first you must understand that women are as different, one to the next, as are men. There are some women who are ready and willing to crawl into bed as soon as their bodies confirm the attraction. For those women, lust is sufficient in its own right. Admittedly, there appear to be more men with that view than women, but many women feel the same. Those women are often more restrained by shyness than traditional morality. So, if your only goal is lust, move fast and find out. Getting lucky, in this instance would be finding she is a woman who also feels a physical attraction alone is sufficient.”
    “What if I feel I’d like to know her better? Somewhat better anyway before we measure our sexual compatibility.”
    “Ah. Then I suggest you tell her of your attraction. Women spend considerable amounts of time, not to mention money, choosing clothes, undergarments, and makeup to hopefully look attractive. We enjoy knowing we have done so with some success. This can be done without being crude. Then ask to see her again.”
    Ryan paused to take a bite, chew it well, and swallow. Maddie did the same, noticing their chews had become synchronized. They continued that way until they had each finished as much as they were going to eat, and had placed their knife and fork together to signal the waiter that they were finished eating.
    “I appreciate your candor and the straightforwardness of your advice.”
    “Have you decided how you’ll proceed?”
    He refilled their wine glasses, before saying, “Maddie, physically, I find you very stimulating. I like your personality and I love your smile. May I see you again? Soon?”
    She looked down to recover from her surprise. “I would like that. Here’s my card.

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