Death Knows My Name (Memory Keepers)

Death Knows My Name (Memory Keepers) by Casse Narome

Book: Death Knows My Name (Memory Keepers) by Casse Narome Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casse Narome
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the slowest day of the week so mornings were a solo shift. Working this shift had its benefits. I mean, yes it was a drag having to cashier and make the drink, not to mention making those damn biscotti. But it also meant I got to have my lunch during the busiest time of the day. You get the lunch rush off. When Devon asks me do the solo shift, I never turn it down. Maybe we’d be so busy that no one would notice me with Michael. Or maybe he’d come early when we had no customers and my co-workers and boss had nothing better to do but watch us.
    I heard the chime that signaled incoming customers. I was ready to plaster my cheeriest “customer” friendly face on when I saw it was Michael. Isn’t my luck the best? I glanced over at the clock.
    “Hey, you’re early? Would you like a drink?” I tried to sound natural.
    “Yeah, I hate being late. I make it a habit to arrive early.” He was now in front of the counter and I fought the sneer that was tickling to take over my lips. How annoying. I’m late more often than not, big deal, dude. On time people are annoying enough, early birds were unforgivable. What were they trying to prove exactly? Did they want everyone else to look bad? I had zoned out mid-conversation and he was now watching me.
    “What can I make for you while you wait ?” I tried to soften my exaggeration of the word by adding, “I promise I am good. Whatever it is will knock your socks off.” I smiled and threw in a wink. Hell, when all else fails, flirt your ass off. One of the rules I live by. I saw a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth. It was very charming. Lucky Tammy. Not that I wanted Michael or anything. I mean, only in the way any woman would want an attractive man. I mean, I loved Eric regardless of if we could be together or not, but I was a woman, and I damn sure was not blind.
    He wanted a white mocha Cappuccino. Since we weren’t busy, I told him to find a table and I’d bring it to him. We were practically empty. Besides the two older men in the middle of the seating area, Michael was the only other customer. I went to refill the two men’s regular coffees leaving the pot on their table for more refills. I sat Michael’s order in front of him along with the plate of two cinnamon muffins on top of it and took the seat across from him.
    “This is another attempt at an apology, but this time I brought a peace offering.” I removed the plate from his drink and I pushed one muffin toward him. “I rarely apologize twice, but it means a lot to Tammy. She’s crazy about you and since I’m not going anywhere, I figure you have to forgive me if you want to get close to Tam.”
    He raised a thick eyebrow. “Close to Tammy?” he asked.
    I leaned back. “Come on. She’s a knock out, she likes you, she’s nice, sweet, and an all around better fit for you than I am. Seriously, a moody rock star can’t have an even moodier bed, buddy. Rock Star 101, dude. You did read the manual, right?”
    He laughed and then went serious. His brows knitted together in thought. “She just seems so girl-like.”
    “Are you worried about the sex?”
    He coughed on his cappuccino as his eyes went wide. But before he could speak, I leaned forward to whisper to him as if I were sharing a secret.
    “If that’s the case, then you are in for a surprise. That girl is raw sexuality. She would blow you away.” I had no idea if this was true or not, but if it’s anything like guys then it’s the ones you’d least suspect that would have you ass over head while holding on to your ankles to the point that you could be the 6:30 on a clock and 6:45 if you aren’t that flexible.
    Michael just sat there staring at me.
    I shrugged. “What? I didn’t say the ‘it’s the ones you’d least suspect that would have you ass over head while holding on to your ankles to the point that you could be the 6:30 on a clock or 6:45 if you aren’t that flexible thing out loud, did I? Because I have this bad habit

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