Death Knows My Name (Memory Keepers)

Death Knows My Name (Memory Keepers) by Casse Narome Page B

Book: Death Knows My Name (Memory Keepers) by Casse Narome Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casse Narome
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didn’t know that so maybe I was being unfair. I should tell him. I shrugged mentally.
    “If you are trying to, you know, coerce me into sleeping with you it won’t work, okay, Michael? But if this is just a friendly thing then fine, I am cool with that.”
    “Because of Tammy?” He leaned back and crossed his arms.
    “No, because of me.” I paused. “And, yes, because of Tammy, too. She is a nice girl.”
    He nodded. “Yes, girl. I want you. A woman.”
    “I— Okay, yes, I may be a little more less girlish than Tammy. And if you wanted a hook-up, then once upon a time I would have been the person for it. You wouldn’t have even needed these cakes. It would have been hot, sweaty, easy, the best night of your life and over at the first sign of daylight, but I am not there anymore. You deserve better. Tammy rocks, and I’m in love with someone else.”
    “Devon said you were single. Unless . . .” He trailed off. “You and Devon?”
    I am pretty sure I visibly gagged. “Hell no! Yuck. Just know there is someone else. You’re a cool guy and I like you. Can we just hang out and leave it at that?”
    He peered at me from under his heavy eyelids then reluctantly answered. “Fine. Yes. Shit! You can’t just tell a guy about the best sex of his life, dangle it in front of him, and then say access denied.” He huffed. “Tammy better be damn good in the sack.”
    I laughed. “If she isn’t, I will join you two and help.”
    He choked. “Really?”
    “Hell no!” I cackled. “Can I still eat the cakes?” I pleaded sweetly.
    He grinned. “This one is the triple chocolate mousse. I was saving it for last but the mood is blown anyway, unless you want the fig tart instead?”
    I took the little chocolate square. “I don’t eat figs.” I popped the whole chocolate cake square into my mouth. “Mmmm. Oh my God, Michael.” I closed my eyes while savoring every bit of it as it melted against my tongue. Pure bliss. A mouth orgasm would be the only way to describe it with any justice.
    Maybe I let out a soft moan. Hell, I don’t remember, nor did I care. I opened my eyes after the last tasty bit had dissolved in my mouth. Michael had that cocky, crooked, dopey, but attractive smile on his face.
    My arm was yanked and my ass was off the seat as I was hauled to my feet. Michael’s eyes widened in shocked protest. I tried to meet his gaze but it was trained at the person over my shoulder. I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. Eric.

Chapter 10
    “What the hell are you doing, Eric?”
    “Shut up, Mayne.” His eyes were still the gentler of the colors that his eyes could be, but the look on his face was barely contained ferocity that told me not to push it.
    Michael was now on his feet, his jaw tight and fists balled. “Dude, let her go.”
    “Sit. Down.” Eric spoke slowly, barely holding on to his composure.
    “It’s okay, Michael.” I was careful not to use any endearing terms or anything that might seem too familiar between us that would set this beast off. “He won’t hurt me.”
    I let Eric lead me off, away from the eyes openly gawking at the scene we had caused. I prayed no brave soul tried to play hero.
    When we were a safe distance away, I shrugged him off dramatically as I boiled over with too many emotions. The one that was winning was anger. “I don’t appreciate this at all ! Being manhandled and told to shut up, Eric, what the hell is wrong with you?”
    “Then you should learn when it’s best not to speak.” His breath was shaky as ran his hand through his hair. “Shit. I’m Sorry. I was just at the end of my rope. That expression you made, it— Look, I am sorry. Did I hurt you?” He eyed me with concern.
    “I’m fine.”
    “You are mad.”
    “You think? You went caveman on me!”
    “I’m sorry, just promise to never make that face, or those sounds for that matter, in front of another man from now on if you want that man to continue taking breath in this

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