
Dawnsinger by Janalyn Voigt

Book: Dawnsinger by Janalyn Voigt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janalyn Voigt
Tags: Christian fiction
shaft of fading sunlight from the window tangled in his silver-gilt hair. “At first I did, but I accustomed myself to Torindan.”
    “Did you find that difficult?”
    “Difficult enough.” His fingers finished their task, and he rocked back on his heels. “Tomorrow you’ll not need a bandage.”
    She waved a dismissive hand. “More has been made of my injury than it perhaps deserved.”
    He watched her out of eyes more gray than silver. “What’s brought about these questions anyway? Are you homesick?”
    Tears pricked. “A little…”
    “You will adjust.” He gave her a lopsided smile, and then pushed to his feet. “As it is, your visit may not be over long.”
    “Kai!” Her voice halted him in the doorway. “You’ve always taken care of my troubles. I-I’ve never given much thought to yours.”
    He turned back to her. “That’s as it should be, Shae. You were but young. Remember when you made that pathetic raft and spent the night stuck in the reeds in the middle of the slough? Good thing I was home at the time or who would have guessed where you were?”
    She blinked away foolish tears. “I remember.” Kai always knew where to find her when she was lost.
    “If you weep for me, save your sorrow. I’m happy enough.” Cupping her chin, he dried her cheeks with gentle fingers, and then dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll see you in a while.”
    She waited for the sound of his footsteps to fade down the corridor before fetching her cloak. The bandage he’d wrapped with such care unwound easily. Without this encumbrance, she could just stretch her soft slipper onto her swollen foot. Standing, she tested her foot, pleased that it didn’t pain her unduly. Kai wouldn’t approve of her going about unescorted, but she wouldn’t go anywhere unsafe.
    The wind breathed through the inner garden, molding Aeleanor’s scarlet cloak against Shae. Leaves hissed and strongwoods creaked as twisted branches thrashed against a fading sky. She raised her face against the wild current, letting its force revive her, and then, as elder petals drifted across the fieldstone paths at her feet, wandered with time forgotten. The splash and fall of water eventually drew her to the garden’s heart.
    “Who’s this?” The challenge came from a youth who sat at the pool’s edge with his burnished head tilted, his sea-green eyes fixed on Shae. He wore a cloak of emerald wool edged and lined with m ustela fur, its hood thrown back. Twin golden roses adorned this garment on either side, joined by a bejeweled strap. Fine scarlet wool showed at the cloak’s opening.
    Something about this youth seemed familiar. “Who are you?”
    “I’ll have my answer first!” He chided with a smile that nudged her memory. “Sit.” He indicated a place beside him.
    She gaped at the bronzed statue of Talan astride his wingabeast in the fountain’s center as she perched on the pool’s wide rim of stone a little distance from the youth.
    “I await your reply.” His voice made her jump. “Who are you? I’ll vow we’ve not met before. Are you some creature of magic? You sprang from the garden like a wraith, and I’ll swear you carry mysteries.”
    She laughed, the sound loud in the gloaming. “I hope it will not disappoint you to learn I am merely Shae of Whellein, sister of Kai.”
    “Kai’s sister?” The youth smiled. “Are you rested from your journey, then?”
    “You’re Elcon!” She placed him at last. “I-I mean, High Prince—Lof Frael Elcon.” She bowed her head.
    Elcon inclined his own head. “How do you know me when we’ve never met?” His voice carried an edge.
    “By your smile.”
    “Oh yes?”
    “It belongs also to your mother.”
    A shadow passed over his face. “True, I’m told. And what do you know of my mother?”
    “Enough to love her.”
    “Well said.” He smiled at her. “How have we not met before this?”
    “I’ve not ventured far beyond Whellein.”
    “And Whellein lies

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