Dawn Autumn

Dawn Autumn by Interstellar Lover

Book: Dawn Autumn by Interstellar Lover Read Free Book Online
Authors: Interstellar Lover
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only her wild lover driving her body through showers of stardust. Her nails raked him, gripped. Perhaps she even drew blood, but she couldn’t control it. He made her bite, made her scream, and every wild movement made the heat in his eyes flame hotter.
    With a savage movement, he erupted from the bed and ripped off his pants—the boots were long gone. Putting both arms under her back, he spread her legs wide and slid just inside her.
    Jay was so far gone, she nearly sobbed. She shook, nothing in her head but the point of fire between them.
    It was supposed to hurt. Everyone she’d ever asked said it hurt, but she felt no pain, only blinding, lightning-charged lust. So good! Maybe he had an alien way to control the pain, maybe he was just so damn good he could take a woman’s virginity without a twinge, but he was seated between her thighs as thick and as deep as he could go. She erupted into an ear shattering climax that shook the entire bed.
    He lightly bit her neck and held still as death, waiting her out. It was a vain attempt. The first shock fired off a volley of explosions, finally prompting him to laugh. Through gritted teeth, he swore, “Thank God I had no idea what I was getting, baby. If I’d known, you wouldn’t have stayed a virgin past the first night we met.” The rest of the ride was a blur of red hot passion. He rode her like a rodeo, drove her like racecar. In the end, it wasn’t just the fans screaming their jubilation as they roared into the finish.
    Later, she drifted on the edge of sleep, his chest as her pillow. Too exhausted to think, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his hand stroking her back. Content, she slipped into sleep.
    * * * *
    Jay woke slowly, cocooned in warmth. Her skin felt unusually silky, her body languid. With a contented smile, she opened her eyes—and gasped. She was wound around Fred’s naked body like linguini on a fork. Memories crashed over her with vivid clarity, making her cringe. With a chagrined moan, she buried her head under the blankets.
    “I hope you’re planning what I think you’re planning, sweetheart. Every man’s fantasy is to wake up with a woman’s mouth on his—“
    “Shush!” she blurted, poking her head out of the covers. “How can you even joke at a time like this?”
    He blinked sleepily. “Why? Has someone declared war or something?”
    “Yeah, me!” She tried to get out of bed, but he snagged her with an arm like iron and rose over her like a panther intent on his kill.
    He nuzzled her breast. “Okay. Show me what you’ve got, baby.”
    She gasped, but wouldn’t be sidetracked. “You slept with me!”
    “I know. I was there.” He leisurely suckled her.
    For a moment she lost the thread of her complaint. “We’re not married! You know I ... know that ... uh .”
    “Sure we are,” he told her breast, then switched to the other.
    For a moment she couldn’t grasp what he was saying, because the odious man had positioned himself between her thighs and was slowly inching in. Just as she gasped in comprehension, he slid home. She tried, but she couldn’t talk. From the satisfied look on his face, he’d planned it that way. She had one second to narrow her eyes before he started to move. After that all she could do was moan.
    A long while later, when she was too sated to move, he leaned over and kissed the cuff on her wrist. “We signed a green card marriage when I first brought you here. That could have been annulled quickly enough, but I gave you the cuff last night. That’s my personal signature, the way my people use to claim their wives. We can get you a ring later, when you’re ready to acknowledge your part in it.”
    She really was too tired to fight, but she said it anyway. “I didn’t agree to marry you, Fred.”
    “Hm. Felt like it last night. Not that I’m a hypocrite or anything, but I think you ought to make me an honest man. I’m starving. How about I heat up some takeout and we can fight over

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