Dark Splendor
should begin by apologizing for
myself and my brother. We seem to have put our manners aside and
shown you our baser natures. I apologize for anything offensive we
have said or done.”
    Silvia was taken aback. She had not expected
an apology and she recalled that Roman, though granted adequate
opportunity, had not given one. Her face grew somber for a moment
and she saw Morgan’s eyes narrow speculatively.
    “Perhaps we can begin again and be friends,”
she said at last, smiling.
    Morgan grinned and breathed a sigh of
relief. He had such a sunny disposition that soon all three were
laughing at his jokes and animated accounts of his and Roman’s
adventures. Occasionally Silvia could feel the warmth of his gaze
on her and once or twice she intercepted a glance that was
decidedly intimate.
    Martha, mindful of his purpose, gave her
    “Since I’ll be busy this afternoon, Morgan,
perhaps you can find time to show Silvia the grounds. I’m sure she
would be delighted to get out of the castle and see more of
Schlange Island.” Martha’s voice was soft but her eyes sharp. “I
would accompany you myself,” she said to Silvia, but I must see to
the storing of the supplies we brought in yesterday. Things can
ruin if they aren’t stored properly.” Her delicate face bore a
slight smile as she glanced at Morgan.
    Morgan’s eyes sparkled as he nodded in
consent. “I would be pleased and honored to show you the grounds,
    His open nature made Silvia feel comfortable
and secure. She thought fleetingly he was exactly the opposite of
his brother. He inspired in her a confidence that Roman seemed to
drain away. He had a compellingly handsome face and the same
sensual lips as Roman, but his eyes lacked the fire, the quick
spark that made Roman’s temper flare with little provocation.
Morgan was, she thought, the kind of man you could always depend
on. He was the kind of man a woman could trust with her love, the
kind of man a woman ought to fall in love with.
    “I’m truly sorry, Morgan,” she said
demurely. “But I’ve agreed to ride with Roman after lunch.” Her
tawny eyes met the wonder in his. “Perhaps we could walk another
    Martha’s brows raised in surprise.
    “Blast that blackheart!” Morgan’s mouth
twisted into a sour grin. “The man is a thorn in my side!” His fist
slammed against his thigh. “I’ll even the score with him yet,” he
mumbled under his breath.
    Silvia’s eyes widened and she dabbed at her
mouth with the napkin, hiding her own surprise at Morgan’s
repudiation of his brother.
    Recovering his aplomb, he calmed his voice.
“What time are you riding?” Morgan rose and slowly paced the length
of the terrace.
    “In an hour,” Silvia replied. She had
finished her lunch, and glancing across the table, saw that Martha
was preoccupied and quite obviously not in a mood for talking. No
doubt she was anxious to get to her work and be done with it for
the day. Silvia rose. “If you will excuse me, I have to change my
clothes and I would like to rest awhile.”
    Martha nodded an acknowledgement and pleaded
she too had to hurry away. Morgan faced the garden, hands resting
on his hips, his back turned to the woman.
    “I wonder, Morgan,” Silvia called to him,
“if you would direct me to the stables before I go to my room. It
would save one of the servants the trouble of showing me the
    Morgan turned around, and to her surprise, a
wide smile lit his face. With a few quick steps he was by her side,
looping a wispy tendril of her hair around his fingers.
    “I would be delighted to instruct you, my
lady with the raven locks,” he said softly, his eyes glowing with a
veiled amusement.
    He twisted the curl tighter around his
finger and slowly and carefully pulled his hand away, leaving the
wisp of hair in an ebony ringlet on her cheek. His gaze became a
soft caress and his smile warm and sunny. He gave her the
directions she needed and wished her a most

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