Dark Savior: A Dark Bad Boy Romance

Dark Savior: A Dark Bad Boy Romance by Stella Noir

Book: Dark Savior: A Dark Bad Boy Romance by Stella Noir Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stella Noir
together. I feel like I belong somewhere, with him. His presence, his need for me and the attention he gives me — all of it overshadows the sadness of my life.
    He drives into me with powerful force, taking and giving at the same time. I cherish every single one of his thrusts, dizzy and aching with yearning and overcome with pleasure as he continues driving into me faster and harder. His hands are still on my hips, pinching into my flesh with such fierceness that it’s almost painful.
    Just when I think that I’m about to climax, he withdraws and turns me around to lift me up on the counter top. I support myself with my arms behind my back while he takes both of my legs and rams into me with the same intensity as before.
    His pants drop down to his feet and when they hit the floor, I hear a metallic sound that reminds me of my earlier endeavors.
    The keys.
    I’m distracted for a moment, focusing on the pants on the floor instead of on him and what’s happening between us.
    “Meadow,” he says, trying to catch my attention. I think it’s the first time I ever heard him say my name out loud.
    He underpins his voice with an especially deep thrust, causing me to gasp for air as I lift my eyes up to meet his.
    “You all right?” he asks, stopping his motions for a moment, his cock buried deep inside me. I love the feeling of being pinned down by him like this and I subtly grind my hips around his length.
    “Yes,” I whisper. “Fuck me.”
    He raises one of his eyebrows with suspicion, but doesn’t hesitate to obey my demand. We knock over a bunch of cooking utensils that were still lying around on the counter top, but he seems to care as little about them as I do.
    “Touch yourself,” he orders. I want to object, because I know it’ll make me come too fast, which means this bliss will be over for a while. But the part of me that yearns for release overpowers the part that wants to prolong things, and I obediently move my hand to my heated center. It only takes two or three more of his thrusts before I can feel my orgasm approaching in heavy waves.
    He can tell I’m about to lose it before even I’m sure it’s happening, and he doesn’t change the rhythm of his shoves while I’m riding on each of them with maddening lust, losing myself in the feeling. It doesn’t take long for him to follow, and I can feel him pulsating inside of me while my muscles clench around him. My vision becomes foggy, but I know that his eyes are on me, taking in the sight of me coming on his cock as he follows along with his own release.
    We’re breathing heavily, each of us recovering from our climax and the intoxicating ride that lead to it.
    Kade looks at me, sporting a confident smile. “I bet you’re going to enjoy that pizza now.”
    I huff.
    “So, that’s your plan?” I ask. “You’ll just fuck me right before every meal to make me enjoy it more?”
    He leans forward and plants a little kiss on the side of my mouth. “Something like that.”
    When he makes room for me to jump down from the counter top, I notice that he steps out of his pants. They remain on the floor as he walks away, heading for the bathroom.
    My pulse has just calmed down, but when I see him exit the room, leaving me alone with his pants, and possibly the key to the secret bedroom, my heart rate speeds up immediately. Could I be this lucky?
    I don’t waste any time and drop to my knees, quickly rummaging through his pants pockets while I hear him turning on the water in the bathroom. I have to be quick.
    There! I produce a keyring and hold it up in front of my face. There are about half a dozen keys attached to it, but I quickly recognize one that could fit into the lock on the bedroom door. I fiddle with the keyring, trying to find a way to remove just that one key. I reckon that I’m safe as long as I hear the water running in the bathroom, but of course, I can’t be sure of that. I keep looking back and forth between the key in my hands and

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