Always You

Always You by Kirsty Moseley

Book: Always You by Kirsty Moseley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Moseley
    "No, I don't fight, I'd get Clay to do it" I joked laughing.
    "What is Clay your little lap dog? You really have him well trained" he said laughing and shaking his head mockingly.
    "I really don't like people taking the mick out of other people, Clay's my best friend in the whole world, just lay off him would you? I mean what the hell is up with you two anyway?" I asked frowning.
    "Well, when Clay tried out for the team Coach put him as my second, I got injured and was out for a few weeks and when I came back I had to share my place with Clay because he played so well while I was off, I don't do well with sharing, so I slept with the girl he was seeing" he said with a shrug as if it was nothing. I gasped, holy crap no wonder Clay doesn't like him.
    "You what?" I said sitting back shaking my head in disapproval.
    "Hey I'm not like that anymore that was three years ago, and he wasn't serious about her anyway, he was just pissed because I got in her pants quicker than he did" he said proudly. Is he proud of himself for that? Wow ok he's not what I thought he was at all.
    I stood up, "Can you take me home please? I think I've made a mistake in coming out with you" I said grabbing my jacket and turning towards the door.
    "What? No! Come on Riley, please" he said grabbing my arm and pushing me back into the booth roughly and then he slid in next to me so I couldn't get out.
    "Just move" I said venomously trying to stand up again but he pushed down hard on my leg to stop me from moving anywhere.
    "Just hear me out, please I'm sorry" he said with the puppy dog face. I shook my head,
    "I just want to go home, will you take me?" I asked sternly,
    "No" he answered looking a little smug.
    I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone "What are you doing?" he asked frowning again.
    "I'm calling Clay to come and get me" I said snapping open my phone angrily, he snatched it out of my hand and put it in his pocket. "What the hell? Give me my phone Blake I'm not kidding around" I said giving him my best death glare and holding out my hand.
    "Riley, listen to me, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that and I know I shouldn't have done that to Clay in the first place but I was so angry at him, after my parents died the team was the only thing I had left, everything fell apart, that was the only thing that kept me sane and Preston came along and ruined it. I was angry so I lashed out, I'm not like that anymore I swear" he said sincerely looking into my eyes with a begging expression. "Please" he said quietly looking at the table.
    Oh for goodness sake how can you say no to that? But this boy has some serious issues! "Ok fine, I suppose I can't go before I've tasted the worlds best pie" I said still a little angry and rolling my eyes. His head snapped up and he beamed at me a big grin spread across his face. He bent his face towards mine going in for a kiss.
    "Cheeseburger?" a older lady asked standing there with two plates of food, obviously the waiter was too scared to come back.
    "Wow you got great timing" he muttered with a chuckle looking at the lady "Yeah cheeseburger that's mine" he said shaking his head in amusement, that was the second time he had tried to kiss me tonight and failed, I hid my grin by stealing one of his fries.
    "So what do you want to do now?" he asked after we had finished eating.
    "I don't know what do you think?" I said as we walked out of the café, I looked up and spotted an amusement arcade across the way. "Oh" I said so excited I almost jumped up and down, "How about that?" I said pointing and grabbing his hand pulling him in there not waiting for his answer. It was packed and really noisy.
    "An amusement arcade?" he asked with a grin, I nodded and dragged him to the change booth.
    "I love these places, I didn't even know there was one here" I said jamming a ten down excitedly for some change.
    He rolled his eyes and handed me a pot to put the change in, I grabbed his hand and almost ran through the

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