Dark Road

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Book: Dark Road by David C. Waldron Read Free Book Online
Authors: David C. Waldron
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sounds of it, it was fight or flight time and you truly had to do it. I know, in my heart of hearts, that you wouldn’t have done it if your life didn’t depend on it.”
    Dan nodded his head and a single tear leaked from his left eye. More because he knew his wife understood than for any other reason.
    “You can get through this, we can get through this, but right now we need to take care of the girls and part of that is they can’t see that ,” and she indicated the body with her chin.
    Dan knew what she meant even though he didn’t look over his shoulder. He nodded again, took a deep breath, and then got up. “Stay with the girls.” He said and went into the kitchen area where the storage closets were.
    A minute later he came back with a box of napkins and a container of the absorbent janitorial powder they have to clean up…messes…and cover smells. Dan used the entire container of pencil-shaving looking powder on his own sick and the growing pool of blood. He then dragged the body into the stall. Well, at least I know the stall is empty. Dan was close to a fit of the giggles which he was positive were a result of nerves, adrenaline, and exhaustion. He was also sure his family would think he was nuts and bit his tongue until it bled to keep them at bay.
    After the body was moved he made a paper-napkin dam inside the door that would keep the pool of blood from seeping out. Hopefully, the girls wouldn’t see any more of tonight’s horror story than absolutely necessary.
    The whole process took about ten minutes and when he was done he wiped his mouth off and then rinsed it out, sparingly, with some water.
    “It smells minty,” Jessie said as she was falling asleep.
    “Leave it to the six-year-old.” Dan said.
    There was no broom, but the area between the doors and the bathroom where they were going to be sleeping was basically glass-free so they used wads of napkins to “sweep” the floor and laid out their blankets and sleeping bags to try and get some rest. The girls were asleep when Dan laid them down but he and Marissa were another story.
    “I don’t know how long it’ll be before I can fall asleep.” Dan said.
    “Same here,” Marissa said, “But I’m guessing I’ll probably get to sleep a little before you.”
    Dan nodded and reached for the shotgun. “You try first. I really don’t think I’ll be able to even relax for a couple of hours. I know that means I might not get any sleep at all tonight but so be it if that’s the case.”
    “Ok, but if the adrenaline wears off and you feel like you just can’t keep your eyes open, wake me up, ok?” Marissa gave Dan a hug and a quick kiss.
    “Will do, promise.” Dan said and walked to the end of the small dining area opposite the restrooms to be nearest the door.
    Against her will, Marissa was asleep within a couple of minutes with the image of her husband standing guard over the three of them, leaning against the counter. The sunlight coming through the window woke her up and the first thing she saw was her husband standing guard in the same position, leaning against the counter. He looked like he hadn’t moved since she fell asleep.
    “What time is it?” Marissa asked, quietly, trying not to wake up the girls.
    Dan checked his watch. “7:30, you didn’t get that much sleep.” Dan said.
    “And I’m not getting any more on this floor.” Marissa replied.
    “I’m sorry. I wish we had a pad or something.” He said as he levered himself away from the counter and made his way over to her.
    Marissa was getting up and stretching. “Don’t be, at least I got some sleep. You look like…you didn’t.”
    Dan’s gaze flicked to the bathroom and back to Marissa. “Well, my mind was kind of preoccupied last night. I’m still working things out.”
    Marissa hugged him and then the girls were starting to stir.
    “So begins another day,” she said.
    Breakfast was thin cream of wheat for the girls and vitamins for everyone.

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