Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera

Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera by Tamara H Hartl Page B

Book: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera by Tamara H Hartl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara H Hartl
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away from Cearan’s support and limped back to camp, her back stiff with pride.
    Once back at camp, Ki washed and changed her clothes, then let Vashti examine her leg. The elf woman pronounced it only a deep bruise.
    Ki watched Drace stay with the horses for a while, after helping to gather firewood. He was angry and she did not understand why. He finally joined the group after giving Pride a good rub down, drawn towards the smell of roasting meat.
    Vashti had set out her magic crystals of warning around the camp’s perimeter and one of the warriors stood off from the camp to keep watch.
    After they had eaten they sat around the fire, Drace by Ka’ Ril, across from Ki. He tried to keep his face clear of what was on his mind as he sorted out the day’s events.
    Cearan watched him for a while with dark golden eyes. Thinking of a diversion, he sat up straight and addressed Drace, “I will tell you of the legend of the clans. We are taught this before we are even weaned.
    “Many generations ago; so many the number is forgotten, the southern people envied us our lands. The mountains between us were not there then and passage was easy. We, the northern people, were peaceful and tried to live as one with the world around us. We even lived in harmony with many dragons. But the southern people began to come into our lands and, fearing the dragons and their magic, hunted them until their numbers were few. They hunted the lions and panthers and snow leopards for trophies. They hunted the grazers until our people started to hunger. It was unsafe for our women to gather the plants we needed to eat. It became a time of despair. The women and children cried and the men prepared to go to war. It was time to fight for what was ours.
    “According to legend, the great God Arahtok, the lion god, had given this land to us and our people were going to take it back.
    “Two summer turnings of war and finally we were victorious and the northern lands were ours once more, but at great cost. Only a small number of the many men returned. Again our women and babies faced starvation. The few men who had come home were weak from the wars. The women gathered and together they prayed to Arahtok to save them. They stayed together for a seven-day, praying day and night for deliverance. At last, their prayers were answered and Arahtok himself appeared before them, together with his mate, Tala, the goddess of women.”
    Cearan paused for affect, looking at each member of the party. The others had heard the tale many times, but Drace sat enthralled, Ki watching him intently. Cearan continued. “All the women fell to their knees. ‘Help us, O Great One! Please hear us.’
    “Arahtok spread his arms for silence. ‘I have heard the pleas of the faithful. My mate has heard them. She has wept many tears. I will help you. Despair no more.’
    “Arahtok spoke again to the women, ‘I will give you part of the soul of the lion, panther, or snow leopard. You will become these at will and you will be able to hunt for your families. Your men will become strong again and will be able to hunt at your side. There are many women and few men. The women who have lost their mates will be visited by a great lion who will breathe his essence into them and they will conceive a great warrior child.’
    “It is thought that the great lion that visited the women was Arahtok himself in his other shape,” Cearan explained to Drace, and then he continued, “Arahtok told the women, ‘in exchange for these gifts I ask you to protect this land fiercely and all that live on it. Only kill what you need to survive, or in self-defense. Some land must be kept so the dragons that have lived and fought at your side will have hunting grounds. They have powerful magic. Look to them for guidance and as guardians. Become the allies of the elves and dwarfs. Together you will prosper.’
    “The northern people had not been the enemies of the elves and dwarfs but had been afraid of them

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