Better (Stark Ink Book 2)

Better (Stark Ink Book 2) by Dahlia West

Book: Better (Stark Ink Book 2) by Dahlia West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dahlia West
that sounded like a whimper. It might have been a sob, caught between the swirl of orgasm and disappointment. “I’m sorry,” she replied. “It’s just… I haven’t…” She stumbled over her words and Dalton’s heart ached for her.
    “How long has it been?” he finally asked, not really wanting to know but needing to all the same.
    “Not since we found out about him. He won’t touch me,” she admitted.
    Dalton couldn’t believe it. Six months? How could anyone share a bed with Zoey and not have his hands, his mouth, and his dick all over her? She was beautiful and adventurous and giving. Once more he was struck by how badly Patrick had fucked up and how badly he himself had fucked up. Both men had let go of the best thing that had ever happened to them. At least Dalton had been trying to give her a better life.
    It was decided, then. One orgasm wasn’t enough. Dalton knew from experience that Zoey was capable of one or two more, at least. They’d once spent all night trying to make it to ten. They’d never managed it, but it had been amazing just the same. He lifted her thigh a bit, opening her up for him once more, burying himself deeper. Now fully sheathed in her still-twitching pussy, he slid his hand over her hip and found her soft curls. Zoey gasped and leaned her head back into his shoulder. He worked her gently, knowing she was sensitive now. She pushed back against him, though, urging him on.
    There had been problems between them, so many problems when they’d still been a couple, but this had never been one of them. Dalton knew every inch of Zoey’s body, even now despite the fact that it had changed so much. Everything he remembered was the same. Her nipples, despite their newly darkened appearance, still hardened at the slightest touch. She still loved it when he rubbed her clit. Dalton’s hand slipped under her belly and between her legs with practiced ease as he tried to tease her back into action. She turned her head so he could take her mouth. His tongue slid against hers and her taste was warm and familiar.
    “Loosen up for me, sweetheart,” he encouraged, thrusting inside her to make his point. She was wet, but tight. “You’re gonna take me all in and keep me there until I get my fill.” His lips brushed against hers. “Or you get yours .”
    His mouth came down on hers again, teasing her, filling her everywhere he could. He wrapped one arm around her and pulled her in close so that there was not even a scant inch of space between their bodies. He may not be able to keep that proximity forever, but he had it now and he wasn’t giving it up. He’d missed her too much and thought about her too often not to hold her as closely as if she was another part of him. A piece of him had been missing since she’d left, since he’d been drinking and pushed her away to spare her. He was drunk again, though, this time on the feeling of being whole again now that she was back in his arms and in his mouth and squeezing his cock so gently.
    She gripped his hip fiercely and he knew she was close again. He pressed his fingers against her clit. “Let go or no?” he asked roughly, letting her decide how she wanted it. Zoey grabbed his hand and pushed it down, riding it — and his cock— hard. She came with a loud cry that Dalton had heard so many times before. The sound alone was usually enough to push him over his own edge. His shaft jerked inside her and he felt the familiar throb as he kept his promise and filled her.
    She relaxed into his arms, panting. He kissed her shoulder as the flow of his cum ebbed inside her. Slowly, regretfully, he withdrew even though he wanted nothing more than to stay where he was forever. But she deserved to rest, after all, especially since he’d worn her out. He kept her against him, however, unwilling to give up the closeness.
    He put his arm over her, across her belly, and closed his eyes. He could tell by the rhythm of her breathing that she was already

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