Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive

Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive by Nell Henderson Page B

Book: Dark Demands 01: Taken for His Captive by Nell Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nell Henderson
Tags: Dark Demands
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“You’ve got this all wrong.  I’ve only met the man once and you were there, remember?”  She railed back at him becoming angry now at Dark for thinking she could stoop so low as to steal from him just to sell the information to his rivals.
    “Well, I don’t believe you ,” he insisted.  “Why should I?  B ut if you are telling me the truth then why don’t you help yourself and tell me what you’re really up to.  Then you can give me the copies of my papers back, and then I’ll decide what action to take.”
    “You can’t go to the police,” she almost whispered at him suddenly realising the enormity of the situation.  “I’ve done nothing wrong, not really ” she said meekly.  “Your papers are at my step mother’s house, you can have them back with pleasure.  It makes no difference anyway; I know what you are up to now.”
    The last few words were delivered with a bravado she certainly didn’t feel but she wanted him to know that she was still a threat and hopefully they could strike a deal, about her father’s workforce if nothing else.
    Dark regarded the wide eyed, frantic girl and was satisfied that he’d gone far enough, Gina was genuinely frightened. So he nodded his agreement.  “That’s not a bad idea,” he decided.  “We’ll go to your home, get the papers and then I’ll decide what’s to be done about you.”
    He hadn’t told her yet but Matthew had already made up his mind what course of action he was going to take.  He’d had all morning to think about it and he had no choice.  The development and the impact it would make to his operations in the UK were too important to allow anything to go wrong.  Gina was a wildcard he couldn’t risk.  One way or another he had to make sure that she was out of the way and silenced so that things could continue as he’d planned.
    “Where do you live?”  He asked her picking his suit jacket and putting it on.
    “In Spitalfields,” she replied.  “It’s not far from here.”
    Matthew nodded and taking her arm firmly he led her down , via the lift, to the car park under the building and to his low slun g sports car.  The vibe between these two very different now from that of a few hours ago when they’d left happily for lunch together and given everyone who’d seen them the idea that they were carefree lovers. 
    During this short walk Gina realised, horrified, that Matthew must have known what she’d done all through lunch, even as they’d shared that intensely intimate episode in his office .  Why would he do that?  Gina couldn’t work him out, she’d no idea what was going on in his head and she was very confused.   But i t was certai nly something to think about and Gina had a sneaky feeling that perhaps Matthew had derived some perverse pleasure from knowing and still making her do those things .
    “What’s your postcode?”  He asked her stiffly, all the lunchtime’s warmness gone from his voice.  Once he’d tapped it into the ‘sat nav’ he drove them out onto the London streets.
    Both were silent as he drove them through the busy traffic to Gina’s home.   But Gina was quietly frantic.  She’d no idea how she was going to get out of this one and once they arrived at her home her cover would be blown too . He’d know who she really was, a member of the Deverell family.  How would she explain that one on top of everything else? 
    Finally he pulled into a narrow road bordered on both sides by old, Georgian multi-storied brick houses , some still with the weaver’s windows on the top floor .
    “V ery beautiful,” he noted with admiration looking up at the historical buildings.  “If I’m not mistaken this used to be the old Huguenot quarter.”
    Gina nodded, “it’s our family house.  We’ve owned it for over two centuries and n ow it belongs to my father and step mum but their living arrangements are so weird that neither of them

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