Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5)

Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5) by Eve Vaughn

Book: Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5) by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
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finished with me.”
    Dante clenched and unclenched his jaw, his lips going white as he pressed them together. He obviously wasn’t used to women talking to him this way, but that was tough shit. Isis let no one back her into a corner, not even a man who she knew she was falling in love with. She hadn’t survived the last several decades without knowing how to stand up for herself.
    For several moments Isis didn’t think Dante would answer her, but when he finally did, it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “Why are you so familiar with the Serpent Gang? You lied to me. You said you had a friend who was a member. You never said anything about being friends with the entire gang!”
    A lump formed in her throat, her anger suddenly draining away. She should have known he’d catch on when she’d offered to go into the hangout with all those rogues in attendance. Dante was by far one of the most perceptive men she’d ever met. Silently cursing her stupidity, Isis cut her gaze from his for the first time since she’d initiated this conversation. She should confess her past and be done with it, but how could she make him understand? “It isn’t what you think.”
    He swiveled in his seat to look at her full on , his brow raised . “Oh? You have no idea what I’m thinking. But go ahead and enlighten me. What exactly aren’t you telling me because from where I was standing you looked pretty chummy with them. Maybe you were a member or still one and you’ve been leading us on a wild goose chase.”
    His accusation had the same im pact as a punch in the stomach. “ Is that what you really believe? That I’m capable of a plot that would involve harming children? Okay, so I didn’t tell you I knew more about the Serpent Gang than I let on, but I disassociated myself from them years ago, so , no, I was never a member. They only allow membership to vampires. ”
    “There’s an exception to every rule.”
    “But not in this case.”
    “If you say so.”
    “I do because it’s the truth. If you don’t believe me, I don’t know what I can say to change your mind . But if you truly believe I’m here to sabotage this mission then I’ll stay behind. When you and Paris return, just drive me to the airport.” She bit the inside of her lip to keep it from wobbling. Tears stung her eyes and she turned her back to him so he wouldn’t see them. Isis expected Dante to get out of the car after her declaration, but didn’t. Instead , the two of them sat in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time. Finally when Isis felt she was able to look at him without crying, she turned around to find him staring at her with his shrewd gaze.
    Dante pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “ Isis, you have to admit, it looked suspicious . My family is in danger, and your involvement with these rogues makes me wonder what you’ re not telling me. However, you’re right. I should have questioned you before now instead of shutting you out. I , honestly , don’t know where the two of us are headed, but I’ve been burned before , so pardon me if I’m a bit cautious this time around. I do know you make me feel things I haven’t experienced with anyone else. But so help you, Isis, if I find out you’ve been lying to me, I’ll kill you myself.”
    Isis could tell, Dante meant every word . Now was the time to come clean about everything, but the moment her lips formed the words, they got lodged in her throat. She couldn’t do it, not when he was so close to realizing his feelings for her. Isis truly believed that once he could finally admit his love for her, he’d be more receptive to what she had to tell him.
    “I was friendly with one of the members who introduced me to more of the gang and I hung out with them on a few occasions. I distanced myself from them because of the atrocities I witnessed. They were way too intense for me. If you believe nothing else, know that I’m here to help you and your family because I don’t want

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