Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5)

Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5) by Eve Vaughn Page B

Book: Dante (Blood Brothers Book 5) by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
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negotiating. “Bryan is welcome to visit whenever he wants. He can stay there if he’d like, but no other visitors. But as for you and Camryn staying put, this isn’t up for debate. Like I told her, if you need anything, have someone get it for you. You’re not to leave the house. There are very dangerous people out there who want to harm our family. I already have one missing child. I’ll be damned if anything happen s to you and Camryn. So do me a favor and not argue with me about this.”
    Darren released a slow huff. “You’re right , Mom. I’m sorry. Me missing a few days of work and sleeping at my own place can’t compare to what you’re going through right now. How are you holding up?”
    “As well as can be expected. I just wanted to call and check up on you and your sister. I need you to watch out for her, keep her calm.”
    “I will. I just want you to take care of yourself. You say these people are dangerous and that worries me.”
    “I won’t be alone but I appreciate your concern. I’ll be back home before you know it with you r baby sister.”
    “I love you, Mom.”
    “I love you , too. I’m going to end the call now because the service is breaking up a bit.”
    “Bye Mom.”
    “Bye, sweetie.”
    Maggie wiped away a tear that slid from the corner of her eye as she put her phone away. She was anxious to get to Florence and find her child. Why was the plane ride taking so long? She’d been to Europe a handful of times before, yet this trip seemed to take much longer.
    Her poor baby, Gianna, needed her mommy and daddy. She hoped GianMarco was safe wherever he was. She hadn’t heard from him since his team had departed from Dante’s penthouse. He’d probably be furious to know she’d disobeyed his orders, but there was no way she was going to stay behind when their daughter’s life was at stake.
    Christine stir red in the seat next to her. “How are Darren and Camryn holding up?”
    “Camryn is pretty much the same. She still blames herself for everyone being taken. Darren is feeling a bit inconvenienced because he’s holed up in one place for an indeterminate amount of time. But what’s a little inconvenience when it comes to safety? How about you? You holding up?”
    Christine laughed without humor. “I’m a wreck but I’d be even more of one if I had stayed behind at the penthouse. Romeo’s going to be pissed when he learns what we’re up to,” she mused, looking out the window. “God, why can’t we get there faster? You’d think a private jet would get us there quicker than a commercial flight.”
    “I was just thinking the same thing. Is Sasha asleep? I haven’t heard a peep out of her since we got on the plane.”
    Shrugging, Christine rested her head against her seat. “I think she said something about communicating with her brothers. Apparently , it takes a lot of concentration.”
    “I’m glad she’s with us. Her powers will come in handy.” Maggie paused for a moment before dropping her voice to a whisper. “ What do you think of Liliana ?”
    Christine dipped her dark head closer to Maggie’s. “She’s all business. I don’t get any bad vibes from her, but we’ll still need to be careful until we’re one hundred percent sure of her motives .”
    “That’s a good idea . Are you nervous about meeting up with Giovanni?”
    Christine nodded. “You know we won’t hear the end of this when we see the men again, don’t you?”
    Maggie firmed her lips. “They did what they had to do and we’re doing the same. Besides, we’ll worry about them later. For now, I have my child to think of.”
    “But still, there’s really nothing we can do about it until we land and according to Liliana , that won’t be for another couple hours. We’ll have to sit tight until then.”
    Maggie groaned, sinking deeper in the leather seat. “Easier said than done. You know, when GianMarco made me a vampire, I knew there would be dangers involved in being immortal , but not

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