Benny. I’m sure of it. That’s why
as soon as I’m out of here we’re going to run. I know that sounds melodramatic,
but that’s all it is when you get right to it. I’m afraid and I’m going to run
away.” He was shaking his head. “You can disagree all you want, Mr. Hunter, but
you really can’t stop me.”
    “Sure I can. Money talks. And while I
know you have plenty, you don’t have the resources that I do. Nor the
manpower.” He put the papers on her lap. “That’s a subpoena. You can either
play by my rules or I tell them you refused it.”
    She picked up the blue-covered document.
She read enough to know that it was from the FBI and that they were demanding
that she turn over everything she had on her sister and the man named Humberto
Carver. She tossed it back at him.
    “I don’t have anything. Unless of course
you mean her son.” Reilly crossed her arms over her chest carefully, mindful of
the pain in her back. “You can try to take him, but I want you to know that I
will kill you before you get within five feet of him.”
    “She will too. She has the training.” Reilly
looked over at her trainer. She grimaced when he sat down next to Royce Hunter.
“Hello, darling. How’s the workouts going?”
    “Doyle, you know her?” Reilly looked
from one man to the other, then laid her head back as Royce spoke again. “You
have been leading us a merry chase all along.”
    “No. When I met her, she was calling
herself Dawn O’Reilly. I didn’t put the two together until this morning when I
was in her room. I hadn’t thought of you in years,” he said to her. “So I was a
little slow on the uptake until I heard Daniel call her by her given name.”
    “I didn’t want to be a victim, so I had
someone train me. He was supposed to be quiet about the whole thing. You didn’t
tell me you worked for the Feds either, so we’re pretty much even, I think.” She
sat up straight in the bed and was about to toss the covers off her when the
door opened again. This Hunter wasn’t very happy with her either, but she’d had
enough of all of them. “It’s time you all leave. Now. I’m going to have a lot
to do tomorrow and it doesn’t involve happy hour with the Hunter clan.”
    “Stay there.” She heard the anger in Daniel’s
voice and nearly snapped at him to fuck off when he lifted his finger at her to
be quiet. He turned to his brother and Doyle. “I have to stay until tomorrow
and I’m going to spend the night with O’Reilly here. She won’t be going
anywhere until I say so.”
    Well, fuck this shit. She got out of the
bed and lifted her hands to Doyle when he stepped to her. “Come on, old man.
Even hurt, I can cause you serious pain.”
    She went into the bathroom while the
three of them laughed. Stupid men. What the hell did they think they were going
to do, sit on her? Tie her to the bed? The police had just cleared her and she
wasn’t going to waste another minute screwing around there.
    She came out of the bathroom a few minutes
later to get her clothes. The nurse said that she’d put them in the little
cabinet by her bed, and she nearly screamed when the light came on and Daniel
was sitting in her bed…without his shirt, and if his pants lying over the chair
were any indication, he wasn’t wearing those either. She was going to go about
her business as if he wasn’t there.
    “You can put them on you, but I’m going
to simply take them off again. I think you should come here and save us both a
great deal of energy and let me make love to you.” She couldn’t believe him and
pulled her bag out of the cabinet without a word. “Too bad. I gave you the
    He pulled his cell out and pushed a
button. She should have moved, but the door burst open and three men walked in,
each of them with vests on and head gear. She would have laughed that someone
thought it’d take three men to do whatever they thought they were going to do
to her but simply dropped her bag and picked her

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