Dangerous Attraction: Part Three (Aegis Group)
    “Okay. He has family, doesn’t he?”
    “In Mexico. Priscilla’s parents were illegal immigrants who got deported a couple years ago. That’s why she’s been on her own. She was born here, and so was Carlos.”
    “Wow, that’s rough.” Bliss blew out a breath. Daniel’s actions impacted so many people. So much death and loss and sadness.
    “I want to adopt him.” Wendy whirled to face her, spine straight, head held high.
    “Really? Wow, I mean, are you sure?”
    “Yes. I’ve known him most of his life. He doesn’t even remember his grandparents. If we do, he could get the kind of life Priscilla always wanted for him. And of course I’d want him to know his real family. We could go visit them, or something, but he’d have a better chance if he stayed with us. Wouldn’t he? Or is that arrogant? I want to do what’s best for him, but I also feel responsible for what happened to his mother. I mean, can I fix this? Is it a good idea?”
    “Well, have you talked to him about it?”
    “No. He’s upset.”
    “Where is he?”
    “Upstairs, sleeping.”
    “Have you talked to Grayson about it?”
    “Not yet.” Wendy wrung her hands. “I was kind of hoping to pitch the idea to you, first.”
    “I think it’s a good idea, but his family has to be included on a decision like this, I think. They are his family. But, you’re right. He has known you more and longer than his own family. So yeah, I think you should consider it.”
    “Yeah?” Wendy smiled, and it was both happy and sad.
    “Do you want me to hold your hand while you talk to Grayson?” She offered up her right hand.
    “Stop it.” Wendy slapped her. “No, I just—is it a good idea?”
    “Maybe? If it’s what Carlos wants and if Grayson is okay with it, yeah. But he’s not a puppy. You can’t adopt just because it makes you feel good.”
    “I know. I love that little boy.”
    Bliss took a deep breath. They were going to be okay. The nightmares weren’t going to go away, Wendy’s depression wasn’t cured, but they could take the awful things that had happened and make a new future.
    “I just keep thinking...I wanted babies. Lots of them. But after Paul, I just don’t think I can go through that again. Just getting pregnant was hard enough. What if this is how we do it? We adopt?”
    “That’s great, Wendy. You have a lot of love to give to kids. But...can I suggest waiting a bit before jumping on the adoption train? You’ve been through a lot this week, and I know you’re feeling better, but what if tomorrow is a bad one?”
    “No, no, you’re right. I want to focus on Carlos first, then in a year or more, we can see about adding to it.”
    “Paperwork will probably take ages.”
    “Right. But, you need to take things slowly. For Carlos. For you.”
    “I know I’m not magically better, but I do feel more alive than I have in...months. You are right. I’ll probably still have some bad days, but I want to get better.”
    “Have you considered therapy again?” Bliss had bullied her sister into going a handful of times, but the therapist couldn’t work with a mute patient.
    “Yeah, and I think this time it’ll be good. I just couldn’t figure out how to put things into words before. Now I have a lot to talk about.” Wendy sighed and faced Bliss. “I don’t know if I’ve ever said this, but thank you. Thank you for being there for me, and propping me up and everything. I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you.”
    “That’s what sisters are for.” Bliss grasped Wendy’s hand and pulled her in for a hug.
    “I’m just trying to say,” Wendy’s voice trembled, “thank you, and whatever you have it in your head to do, do it. Please? For you. I’m going to be okay.”
    Bliss leaned back and screwed up her face.
    “What do you think I’m going to do?” she asked.
    “Something. You always had the more interesting life.”
    “You mean Travis?” Just saying his name set the butterflies

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