
Dangerous by RGAlexander

Book: Dangerous by RGAlexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: RGAlexander
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was happy with what he had and Brady was projecting. Looking for a sign that Ken might want to be a part of his crowded, messy life. 
    Tomorrow Brady would have his last date with Cal, meet this Vargas guy and force himself to smile so Ken could find his foster brother. Maybe they’d get lucky and Terry would be there. Brady wasn’t sure what came after that. He wasn’t sure if Ken wanted anything to come after that. He hated the uncertainty.
    “Brady? Is everything okay?”
    He didn’t get the chance to answer Ken’s question because the others had seen him and finally made their way over.
    “Who invited Hacker Guy to the Finn Again?”
    Tasha pushed through the crowd of males and wrapped her arms around Ken with a sexy smile. The soft swell of her abdomen, only just beginning to show in her fourth month of pregnancy, made her curvy figure even more beautiful. “It’s so nice to see my two heroes together again.”
    She leaned back in his arms and sent Brady a wink. “Hey there, Hot Body Man. What’s a piece of apple pie like you doing with this salted caramel confection?”
    Brady raised his eyebrow. “He’s just visiting his good friend, Sugar Buns. Speaking of…how’s the one in your oven?”
    “I like it when you sass.” She smirked and met Ken’s gaze. “Can that be my new nickname in the media? Sugar Buns sounds so much sexier than Mom-in-Waiting or Senator Finn’s Baby Mama .”
    Ken kissed her and smiled. “I thought the Baker of the Finns was interesting if a little cannibalistic. But for you, I’ll work on Sugar Buns. You look good, Tasha.”
    Brady’s brother Noah joined them, chuckling. “Baker of what now ? Who pays them to write that shit?”
    “Morons.” Solomon nodded to Brady, his blue eyes sparkling despite his ever-present frown. “Nice to see you, Brady. I wasn’t sure you’d make it. Now that you have, tell Noah to watch his mouth. Apparently Penny and Wes spent days repeating what they heard here. So did Jake. His middle school takes that kind of language seriously, even when it’s a bookworm defending himself against a bully. His teacher sent him to detention.”
    “Is Jake being bullied?” Noah’s voice lowered dangerously. “I can show him a few moves if he wants. He damn sure won’t need to swear to get his point across.”
    Solomon sighed. “Yes, let’s teach him how to fight. I’m sure Seamus would approve. Jackass.”
    Brady bit the inside of his cheek, knowing it would be a Herculean task for his brothers to get through an entire meal without swearing. They’d always blamed Salty Sol and the lack of a good female influence, but with Papa Seamus around, that excuse wasn’t working anymore.
    The door behind them opened and they all turned around in time to see Brady’s cousin Jennifer rushing in with a large, plastic container. She blew a strand of strawberry blonde hair out of her eyes and smiled. “Am I late again?”
    There was a collective gasp when the container slipped from her hands and the bisque she’d been in charge of getting from the deli splattered all over the floor, her shoes and the cuffs of her jeans. “Son of a bitch,” she swore loudly, bending down to start scooping the hot soup up with her hands. “I’m so sorry. Ouch— damn it . I definitely need a towel for this.”
    “Son of a bitch!” Penny sang as she ran past them toward the kitchen, and all the men started to laugh.
    “Not my fault this time,” Noah chortled, towel in hand as he tugged Jen gently to her feet. “Go clean yourself up, princess. We’ve got this under control.”
    Brady frowned as she headed up the stairs. Her hands had been shaking and she looked frazzled. “What’s going on with Jen?”
    “Little Finn?” Tasha responded lightly. “She just spilled soup on her pants. Oh, and I think she has a test coming up. She’s fine, Brady.”
    He narrowed his eyes on Stephen’s wife. Leave it alone. That’s what she was really

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