Tides of Truth [03] Greater Love

Tides of Truth [03] Greater Love by Robert Whitlow

Book: Tides of Truth [03] Greater Love by Robert Whitlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Whitlow
Tags: Mystery, book
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that what Julie Feldman and Maggie Smith want?”
    “No,” I admitted.
    “I know you respect Dabney’s insight, but you can’t make a major decision like this based on something she said to you.” His voice got louder again. “God gave you a brain and a Bible. Use them!”
    I felt my face turn red.
    “And he sends people into our lives to help us find the way,” I said, my voice trembling. “Sister Dabney is one of those people. I just know that I have to seriously consider what she told me even if it’s tough.”
    Zach’s grip on the steering wheel tightened.
    “What about me?” he asked.
    “You’re also a person God has sent into my life to help me find my way.” I paused as tears came into my eyes. “And I care very much about you and your opinion.”
    Zach shot a glance in my direction. I saw his hands relax on the steering wheel.
    “It’s no secret that I believe the best place for you to be is at Braddock, Appleby, and Carpenter. There are tons of practical reasons and at least a few very important personal ones. I want to see you every day so we can get to know each other better.” He paused. “And Julie won’t be there to harass you.”
    I wiped my eyes. “I’m just confused. I thought everything would be clear after coming to Savannah, but in some ways it’s worse than ever.”
    “Talk to your parents,” Zach replied. “I know they’ll have a big influence on your decision. But don’t forget about me.”
    W E DIDN’T TALK A LOT MORE ON THE RETURN TRIP. M Y COOL, analytical mind was a jumbled mess. Zach parked in front of my apartment.
    “Thanks for the ride,” I said. “I’m sorry you have to turn around and drive back.”
    “I was glad to do it. Are you going to talk to your parents about flying out to California with me for the holidays?”
    “You still want me to come?”
    “Yes. I’m not mad at you. I just disagree with what you’re considering. I have feelings about your decision because I care.”
    “And I’m glad you do.”
    Zach carried my suitcase to the door. When he put it down I reached to pick it up and our hands touched. The brief contact caused an inner ache. Inside my apartment, I plopped down in a chair then immediately got up so I could pull back the curtain a few inches and watch Zach leave the parking lot. As soon as his car was gone, I returned to the chair and stared across the room as a tornado of emotions swirled around inside me.
    A FTER UNPACKING AND SPENDING SOME TIME PRAYING, I CALLED Daddy and Mama to tell them about my trip.
    “What’s wrong?” Mama asked after I’d spoken only a few sentences.
    I immediately started to cry. The next few moments became a jerky attempt, interrupted by sobs, at explaining what had happened and what I’d done.
    At one point, Daddy interrupted. “Do you want me to come to Athens and bring you home? If you do, I’ll be on the road in fifteen minutes.”
    Daddy’s offer made me cry harder.
    “Give her a minute, Walter,” Mama said. “She’s getting rid of the tension bottled up inside.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” I managed. “I’ll be better in a minute.”
    Finally, I was able to take a few deep breaths and begin again with a more organized, chronological account of the weekend.
    When I told them that I’d accepted the job with Braddock, Appleby, and Carpenter, Mama interrupted.
    “How did the Lord direct you to accept the job? Did I miss that part?”
    “I’m not sure he did. It was more a reaction to the negative aspects of the job with Maggie and Julie and the positive things about the firm that Mr. Callahan mentioned. Of course, the chance to spend more time with Zach also influenced me. But the real problems came when I went to church on Sunday.”
    I didn’t mention much about the service but went directly to my conversation with Sister Dabney at her house.
    “I hate the thought of breaking my word to Mr. Carpenter,” I said, “but I believe I have to consider what Sister Dabney told

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