Dancing in the Light
Ryerson had found, some years ago, that he had the talent to attune his body frequencies to spiritual beings who themselves were no longer in the body. These beings used the electromagnetic frequencies of Kevin’s body as a channel through which they could communicate with us on the earth plane from the spiritual plane where they resided. Kevin would go into a trance state while the spiritual beings used him as a medium through which to communicate.
    Mother listened patiently. “How do you know it’s not Kevin talking?” she asked.
    “Well,” I said, “the soul beings use Kevin’s voice to talk through, but they are separate beings from Kevin himself.”
    “How do you know?” she questioned with an open-minded tone in her voice.
    “Well,” I said, loving her curiosity, but not certain I could answer to her satisfaction, “I can only say that Tom McPherson, one of the entities that Kevin channels, knew intimate details about me and my life which no other human being on earth knew.”
    “Really, Shirl?” said Mother. “And did he help you with things?”
    “Oh, yes,” I answered, “he helped me with a great many things.”
    “Weren’t you frightened that he knew so much about you?”
    “No,” I answered, remembering my first reactions to the phenomenon of channeling. “No, as a matter of fact it was comforting to feel that I was communicating with a being who apparently could ‘see’ things I couldn’t see. Of course, I was skeptical at first, but not frightened. I had heard about Edgar Cayce and all of his spiritual channeling, so I figured Kevin had the same psychic talent.”
    “Yes,” said Mother, sucking in her breath as she always did when contemplating a new idea.“Yes, I’ve heard of Edgar Cayce. He helped many people when they were sick, didn’t he?”
    “Yes,” I answered. “He channeled all kinds of medical and scientific information from spiritual guides, even prescribing medication and various treatments. Doctors couldn’t understand it because he had no medical training but was always right.”
    “So the spiritual entities speak through this young man called Kevin and they help you with things you have questions about?”
    “That’s right.”
    Mother nodded. “So maybe my ‘friends’ are spiritual beings like them?”
    “I think they might be, yes.”
    “Did they live once on earth?”
    “Usually they have lived. But not always. Sometimes spiritual beings come through who have never incarnated at all.”
    “You mean, have never been alive?”
    “That’s right.”
    “Well, if they’ve never been alive, how can they be alive now?”
    “By alive I mean they’ve never been alive in a body. But for the most part, the spiritual entities that come through mediums have had the experience of living in a body on earth.”
    “And when they die, they go to this spiritual place and live without bodies?”
    “Yes,” I answered, wondering whether the nurses would mercifully stay out of the room until I finished my explanation. “So,” I continued, “when our bodies ‘die,’ it’s really just that the houses for our souls don’t work anymore. We are souls who only temporarily reside in our bodies. We pass over to the spiritual dimension where we remain until we decide to reincarnate again. Our souls (the real us) never die. They are eternal.”
    “Oh, yes, I believe that,” said Mother.
    “Remember what Daddy was saying about leaving his body during the accident?”
    “Well, it’s the same thing. If he had really ‘died,’ he wouldn’t have come back to his body. He would be up there on the spiritual plane now, just like this Tom McPherson character.”
    “Oh,” said Mother, “I see.”
    I paused a moment before going on.
    “And remember how you’ve heard about people being visited by their ‘dead’ relatives?”
    “Well, it’s probably true. Because the relatives are never really gone. They just live in another dimension after

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