Running To You

Running To You by DeLaine Roberts

Book: Running To You by DeLaine Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeLaine Roberts
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you didn’t bust our little secret.”
    “Thank you for letting me know, I often sensed that someone was watching me. I just thought it was my guardian angel of courage .”
    “Alex, have you ever thought that maybe Dr. Brooks is your guardian angel?”
    Wow, that was thought provoking ! His words took over me so, that they made me tremble and almost sent me to my knees. Trying to hide my emotion from the therapist was hard. I could feel the tears slipping from my eyes. I wasn’t expecting that, nor did I anticipate the lurching of my heart into my throat when the therapist indicated that Grayson could be my guardian angel? I missed Grayson terribly. My heart ached to see him, but I wasn’t ready to forgive him.
    The therapist gave me some strong words to think about, but I just wanted to put Grayson and the last few weeks behind me, out of my mind for good...if only I could. I didn’t want to be in love with a man that was around because he felt responsible or felt sorry for me.
    I said goodbye to the private nurse and was so grateful to have my privacy back. Not to mention Coop was really grateful to end his gig on the couch, when he was in town. His modeling gigs were keeping him really busy and we both endured the “fringe benefits” from the stylists. He had been shoe shopping, since heels were still not part of my current dress code, but I didn’t care. Wearing flats were comfortable and the Dansko’s felt the best, even worked with jeans, regardless of what dress code violations the fashion police would pass down on me.
    Coop came in with the new shoes and multiple bags of other items. “Coop, did you buy out the stores, do some retail therapy or something?”
    “No, these are a gift from that little stylist. She has been keeping up with your progress and this is a gift from her and her associates for the gala coming up next week.” Sounding so proud that he had scored the mother lode of giveaways!
    “Coop, I hate to break it to you, but I am not going to the Gala. I can’t dance right now and I am not ready to do that much hanging out in public and besides, Grayson.”
    “If you don’t care about Grayson, why do you care if he goes? You can’t have it both ways, Al. You either care or you don’t. Make up your mind.” His words stung like he was fighting for his own life, so full of bitterness. Coop has known me most of my life. We have been best friends as long as I can remember. Over the years he has watched me bail on my relationships. He told me once:
    Alex, you may find many a man that you can live with, but you will find that there is only that one in which you can’t live without .
    So much had been going on that I hadn’t paid much attention to Cooper and what he was doing or with whom. I just realized I had been so self-absorbed, that he hadn’t mentioned Mark much, nor had I seen him visit here.
    “Is this about me or you and Mark?”
    “Don’t spin this around on me, Alexandra. You are secretly still pining for doc and you know it, just as he is for you. He keeps calling and texting me about you, keeping tabs on you. I hate being a three-some and you know it. Agree that you don’t trust him right now, deservedly so; however those are issues that can be worked on. As for Mark and I, we did have some time apart with all of the recent events, but we are seeing him tonight.”
    “You bet. We are going to dinner at Sambuca’s. Just so you know, they felt so bad about what happened to you, they have put together a special table just for you tonight and I have the hottest outfit. Before you balk, I was told by the manager that your presence is requested and they would be devastated if you didn’t come.”
    I have to admit, I know it would be a good thing for me to get out and be social. For the first time, I was feeling relaxed and looking forward to going to a fun place.
    Cooper dressed me in the cutest little jeans, leopard print flats and a chocolate brown, sleeveless

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