Dance With the Enemy

Dance With the Enemy by Linda Boulanger Page B

Book: Dance With the Enemy by Linda Boulanger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Boulanger
Tags: Romance
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concealed doors leading to Zanak’s hidden passages. His shirt, untucked and open, hung over hastily donned breeches. He too was unshaven and had obviously not been awake long.
    Without saying a word to anyone, he filled a platter from the sideboard then sat at one of the empty seats near the head of the table. “What?!” he asked after taking several greedy bites while all eyes watched his every move.
    “Pray tell, son, where is the girl? You haven’t harmed her, have you?” Neria blurted out, her words unleashing a low mummer running through the lunching party.
    Tahruk stopped chewing, then finished his bite and swallowed. He looked from person to person. “Good God in Heaven. Are the lot of you mad? Of course she’s fine. Why would she not be? She simply had … a most eventful morning.” A chuckle sounded low in his chest, the sound shared by Redahn. The two brothers exchanged a knowing smile in a rare moment of unison before it dissolved garnering Redahn a glare from his older brother.
    “All is well then?” Renaine asked after giving his son a chance to chew another bite.
    Tahruk slammed his fork to the table and pushed back his chair. “I suppose you want details of the event?” His snarling retort was accompanied by a rather ferocious glare that barely earned him Renaine’s raised brow. Others at the table were a bit more animated. Shocked gasps, faked coughs, and even a few covered ears were seen or heard.
    “I’ll take the details,” Redahn offered.
    “You’ll take nothing that belongs to me .” Tahruk rose with jerky movements. He looked around the table, mumbling about tasteless madmen, then stomped back to the sideboard to fill another plate. Daruh noticed his choices were made with much greater contemplation than before. It made the old Master smile.
    “I do not wish to be disturbed the remainder of the day,” Tahruk announced after moving toward the concealed door. He glared specifically at his mother until Neria looked down. Then he trained his eyes on Daruh. “Since when has Zanak held such fascination for you, Master ? Our business seems suddenly yours for some small and feminine reason. Perhaps it is time you found entertainment elsewhere,” he grumbled before disappearing.
    The old Master’s chuckle was met with obvious relief from the parents of the disrespectful warrior. Moments later, Daruh announced his departure. Though Tahruk had not said much about the young woman, his actions were enough to make Daruh feel comfortable about her well-being. He would call on her specifically in a few days. But for now, he’d focus elsewhere as her warrior had suggested. He needed to shift to the priority of finding out all he could on the situation in Corigan. Though a smaller kingdom, her forces were strong and they were too close to the border of Dorengar to let any concerns lie unchecked.

    Chapter 18

    Tahruk fought against the dour mood that threatened to encompass him as he walked back through the hidden corridors. Only the thought of the young woman waiting in his bed kept it at bay. The morning had been far more fulfilling than he’d anticipated, at least until his grumbling stomach had demanded a trip to the dining hall. He rolled his eyes. To think they’d considered he might hurt her. As unconventional as everything had been between them thus far, he wouldn’t change a thing. He smiled, thinking about his chosen. She’d surprised him, surprised them both actually, and he was sure the pleasures would continue…
    “Damnation!” He swore at the empty bed that greeted him when he slipped into his bedroom through yet another concealed door. A few deep breaths cleared his head allowing his mind to register the opened door to the garden. He blew out a final cleansing breath before going to look for her.
    The eyes that greeted him were not those of a woman assured of her position within her lover’s heart. She drew her shawl more tightly about her as he approached, her

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