Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers

Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers by N. J. Walters

Book: Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
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her to take in. She didn't want to be a vampire. She
liked her life just the way it was, thank you very much. It was one thing to have a
vampire as a lover and another thing totally to even contemplate becoming one.
Zane cupped the back of her neck with his palm. The heat from his hand sent a
shiver down her spine. "No, you're not a vampire. It doesn't work that way."
"How does it work?" She locked her knees to keep from crumpling to the floor in a
"The small amount of blood that I gave you last night is not enough to convert you.
In order for that to happen, you'd have to be drained almost totally of blood and then
have it replaced by mine." He stared down at her, his eyes almost black with emotion.
"You'd have to die first, Sophia."
Right. She had a vague memory of him mentioning something about this last night,
but she was so muddled right now, she couldn't think straight. She so didn't want to
hear this. How did anyone agree to do that? The possibility of something going wrong
was enormous and there was obviously no going back or changing your mind once the
deed was done.
Zane's face softened as he gave her neck a light squeeze before releasing her.
"Everything is going to be all right, Sophia. Why don't you get a shower while I cook
you something to eat?"
"You're going to cook for me?" She shook her head, not quite sure she'd heard him
"What about some eggs and toast with some bacon?"
Her stomach growled, shifting her mind back to the mundane and reminding her
that she hadn't been feeding it very much lately. "I don't have the stuff to make that."
"I brought it with me." Zane reached out his hand and brushed his thumb over her
cheek. Just like that her stomach clenched and her body softened. The man's charm was
She took a step away and his hand dropped back to his side. "Okay. You make
breakfast while I shower."
The corner of one side of his mouth kicked up in a lopsided smile, which made him
appear younger. Which was impossible, of course. The man was a two-hundred-year-
old vampire.
Thinking about all this was giving her a headache.
He started to speak, but she held up her hand. She couldn't talk any more, not until
she had a cup of coffee and some breakfast or supper or whatever it was. Sighing
heavily, she started to close the door again and then stopped. "What you did last night.
The whole making me drink your blood thing. Don't do it again." She felt slightly
violated that he'd taken over her mind to make her do that.
"I won't," he promised and then ruined that promise when he continued. "Unless I
think your life is in jeopardy."
Slamming the door in his face again, she turned the lock. "Your meal will be ready
in about twenty minutes," he called out. She leaned her forehead against the door and
listened to his footsteps as he walked away. She felt like banging her head against the
wooden panel but resisted the urge. The last thing she needed to do was addle her
brains further.
As she pushed herself away from the door, a piece of vampire folklore ran through
her brain. A vampire had to be invited into a person's home or they couldn't enter. She
didn't know if that was true or not, but she'd certainly held the door wide open for
Zane York. Her body ached and tingled in unexpected places. She hadn't been with a
man in so long that last night's wild sex had certainly put her muscles through a
Picking up her toothbrush, she wet it and then spread a generous amount of
toothpaste over it. Her mind started to run through her calendar as she began to brush.
She was supposed to have written articles for several different papers today. That was
money she couldn't afford to lose. Then there was the major piece for a weekly
magazine. Thank heavens she'd almost finished that. Another hour at most and that
would be completed. It wasn't due until tomorrow, so she still had time.
Leaning over the sink, she spit and began to rinse. Cupping water in her palm, she
slurped noisily, wanting to remove

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