Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers

Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers by N. J. Walters Page A

Book: Dalakis Passion 4 - Eternal Brothers by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
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every last trace of the metallic taste from her mouth.
Then she had to check with her police sources and the detective in charge of the case
and see if they'd found out anything else. There was a follow-up with Janice Barton's
family as well as the research she needed to do on the Dalakis family. She definitely
shouldn't have slept the day away, but apparently that hadn't been her choice.
Satisfied that her teeth were clean and the taste was gone, she wiped her mouth
with the back of her hand. It was time to take stock of the rest of her body. Dropping the
sheet, she stared at herself in the small bathroom mirror. She appeared normal, if a bit
pale and tousled, but that was to be expected after everything she'd been through.
Grabbing her makeup bag, which she kept mostly for the rare business meeting that
called for being dressed up or special occasions, she whipped out her compact and
opened it. Angling the mirror, she turned and used both mirrors to try to see the back of
her neck. She could barely make out the faintest pinpricks of two marks, but there was
certainly no mistaking the hickey at the base of her neck. She remembered him doing
that, remembered the way his teeth had closed over her skin in an erotic bite.
She shivered.
Snapping the compact closed, she tossed it back into the makeup bag. Crossing over
to the shower, she flicked on the taps and tested the water before stepping beneath the
flow. The hot water pummeled her aching body, washing away the sweat and sex of the
night before.
What was done was done. She was doing her best to try to not remember the earlier
part of the evening. The sex between them had been phenomenal. Sophia had never
experienced anything remotely like it in her life. Not that she was overly experienced,
but even she knew that last night with Zane had been special.
Grabbing her bottle of shampoo, she poured a dollop into her hand and began to
scrub her scalp. As she continued to lather her hair, she could practically feel his
presence in her apartment. It was like a low-level electrical current running through her
veins. A level of awareness that she'd never shared with another person.
For a person used to being alone and quite content that way, it was more than a
little disconcerting to say the least. She felt uncomfortable, as if he was already a part of
her and she was a part of him.
She let the water cascade over her head until all the shampoo was rinsed away.
Picking up her scented soap, she began to wash her body, doing her best to ignore the
way her nipples puckered and her pussy throbbed as her thoughts continued to wander
to Zane and what had happened between them.
It was weird, but on a deeper level, she found it almost...comforting, for lack of a
better word. One of her deepest desires, which she hid even from herself most of the
time, was to find someone who she could depend on not to disappoint or abandon her.
She slammed the door on those thoughts. She was an independent woman and quite
happy that way, thank you very much. One night of sex, no matter how incredible,
didn't constitute a relationship.
For all she knew, Zane had slept with her to get information, to find out what she
knew. She ignored the pang in her chest. He was a vampire. Surely he could have snuck
into her home when she was out and gone through her notes and things if he wanted to.
And she was truly losing her mind if she thought it was better for Zane to break into
her home than it was to sleep with her for information. Maybe he hadn't done either of
those things. Maybe he'd slept with her because he wanted to. As for information--all
the man had to do was ask. She might not tell him everything, but still... Maybe he
would ask. They hadn't had time to really talk since she'd awakened to find him
hovering over her and a whole day of her life gone.
Stepping under the spray one final time, she washed the soap away, watching the
lather flow down the drain. She wished all her problems could be solved as

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