Daddy's House

Daddy's House by Azarel

Book: Daddy's House by Azarel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Azarel
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wanna lace me with extra cash every weekend.
    I let out a huge sigh when I walked back to my room and saw my door wide open. I was sick of Ms. Dottie, and I’d only been in the house for three days. When I walked inside, I felt someone breathing behind me like a damn dragon. I turned and was hit with an open hand. Slap! What the fuck, I thought.
    Cat rushed me like she was getting paid by the NFL. She grabbed my neck and placed me in position to be her punching bag. “You thought you was gonna play me. Huh, bitch?”
    I stood stiff, trying to figure out how to handle the situation. Meanwhile, her hands went wild as she fought me like a female cat. No punches, no skills, just wild open hand throws. Now I know how her ass got the name . I tried not to get too rough with Cat, not wanting to get thrown out, but she was asking for it.
    I swung back a few times, but just enough to show her I wasn’t a punk. I threw up my hands like a real fighter, ready to go toe to toe Brooklyn style, but she still wanted to do the junior high fighting thing. Although I bobbed and weaved, her long red nails scratched me on my face a few times. Eventually, my arms flew in the air, trying to shield myself from the licks. I decided to fight dirty too. I reached behind and grabbed her by her bad weave. She squirmed, trying to release herself from my grip. I let loose abruptly, and backed up, but she kept swinging into mid-air. When she realized I had maneuvered my body away from her range, she got even madder.
    “ Word is out, you a cut throat!” she spat.
    Sushi heard the commotion and came running like Forest Gump “Oh…God. No…no…stop!” she yelled.
    Sushi’s screams got louder, causing more girls to come into the hallway. “Ms. Dot’s comin’,” I heard one of the girls say. Cat stopped abruptly, and took a few hits from me just to set me up. I was too stupid to realize what was going on.
    When Ms. Dottie showed up in front of the doorway, I was on my last punch. Caught dead in the act, it looked like I was the one who initiated the fight. Cat held her hands in the air, and played the dumb role. The bitch was surrendering, but only after she’d scratched the hell out of my face. We both had blood on our hands, but she definitely got the best of me. I did, however, have a plug of her weave in my palm to show that I’d put in work.
    “ What’s this all about?” Ms. Dottie asked walking into my room.
    “ Hell if I know!” Cat responded.
    “ Umm huh,” Ms. Dottie mumbled. “Then why are you in Candy’s room?”
    I cringed at the sound of my new name. Cat shrugged her shoulders. Then grinned at me like she’d won the battle.
    “ Both of you, downstairs,” Ms. Dottie ordered. “This is the only free time you got! I suggest you use it wisely,” she snapped, walking toward us, backing us both in the direction of the staircase.
    I continued to walk backward, watching Cat’s every move from the corner of my eye. Even though Ms. Dottie was front and center, I still didn’t trust Cat. She was the anything goes type of broad, so I had to be ready.
    When I hit the bottom step, Sushi was standing there with tears in her eyes, like she was the one who got beat down. “Oh, me Candy, look at your pretty face,” she said.
    I moved away slowly. She might’ve been out to get me too.
    “ Oh, I’m fine. Real fine,” I repeated, making sure Cat could hear the confidence in my voice.
    “ You have scratch on you face.”
    Sushi was cool, but the moment she touched my face, I moved her hand. Ms. Dottie, in return, hit me with a nasty look.
    “ I’m straight, Sushi. Don’t worry about me. On the real, I’m from the hood. I just try not to act like it. I’ve been through worse.”
    “ Hood?” Sushi asked, with a confused expression.
    I let out a slight laugh. “Never mind, Sushi. I gotta go. We’ll talk later.”
    “ Oh, me too,” she said, grabbing my hand again. She was way too touchy feely for me, but I knew it was a part

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