Daddy's House

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Book: Daddy's House by Azarel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Azarel
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damn outsider’s company,” Tracey replied. “Especially no fried rice eatin’ muthafuckas.”
    “ On the real, it’s okay,” I pleaded, with my eyes. Sushi was my only ally at the house, besides Cinnamon, who I didn’t really know too well, so I wanted to stay on good terms with her.
    “ C’mon damn it,” Tracey finally said, blowing breath through her lips, and opening the door.
    “ I told you it would be okay,” I whispered to Sushi.
    We followed the male host to our table located way in the back of the restaurant, which was perfect, since Tracey had something juicy to tell me. I prayed it was about my mother’s whereabouts. We sat down, grabbed our menus, and made small talk, while trying to decide what to eat.
    “ Candy, they no have noodles,” Sushi blurted out.
    “ Who the fuck is Candy?” Tracey snapped.
    “ She Candy.” Sushi pointed to me with a big smile.
    “ Maybe this was all a bad idea.” Tracey rolled her eyes. “I’ma have to talk to Luke about this shit. All these fuckin’ weirdos and shit.” She looked Sushi straight in the eye, but Sushi wouldn’t look back, she just sang some unknown Asian song.
    Tracey just stared into Sushi’s face, ranting and yelling obscenities in between her singing. After cursing for the fiftieth time, Tracey smacked, “You better shut the fuck up if you gonna stay at this table!”
    Before long the waiter came over, ready to take our order. Tracey was so caught up into telling me that she really needed to talk to me alone, that I couldn’t even order my food. I knew something serious had to be wrong.
    “ Tell me now,” I pressed. “What is it? Is it Velma?”
    “ Give me a #8,” Tracey said to the waiter.
    “ And you Miss?” he asked me.
    I couldn’t speak. “Tell me, Tracey.” I panicked.
    Tracey continued to ignore me and decided to order for me. “Chicken and Waffles for her, and Chow Mein for her.” She pointed at Sushi, and laughed loud enough to have everyone looking at our table.
    “ We don’t have Chow Mein. Only what’s on the menu,” the waiter said sarcastically.
    “ I know that shit, damn it. Don’t get smart, ‘cause your tip just got shorter.”
    The waiter walked away and I got close up into Tracey’s face. “Is she really out? ‘Cause I saw it on the computer with my own eyes. I just want one person to confirm that they’ve seen her.”
    “ I’m not a hundred percent sure. If you hadn’t of brought your lil’ friend, we could rap. You know, go visit a few peeps who really know what’s goin’ on. ”
    I scooted my chair over so Sushi couldn’t hear. “Tell me now. I gotta know.”
    “ Well, Uncle Cedric called Mike about an hour ago and said …”
    Sushi abruptly started singing Rick James’ Super Freak at the table. Tracey went ballistic. She jumped up and scooted Sushi’s chair from underneath her bottom. “Get up!” she instructed.
    “ Where we go?” Sushi asked, with a puzzled look.
    “ We? No, you. Let’s go.” Tracey pulled Sushi by the hand and led her to the front door. “You wait here. I’ma tell’em to bring yo damn food right here. I need to talk to my cuz in peace. You got me?”
    Sushi nodded with confusion. I stood up and looked on long enough to see that she was okay and watched as Tracey headed back to the table. The minute we sat back down, I started drilling.
    With my neck stuck out like a giraffe, I asked, “What did Uncle Cedric say? I gotta know, and who the fuck is this Mike you were talking about?”
    “ Oh, don’t worry about him. It’s just some cat I know. Anyway, don’t hold me to this, but Cedric said Ray called him from jail and ummm…”
    “ Ummm…what?” I edged.
    “ Ray said she’s out for sure. But not lookin’ for you.”
    “ You believe that!”
    “ If Ray said it, it’s official. He’s the only honorable member left in the family. I’m not really sure about anything else that was said. Just don’t come by my spot. You know…just in case.

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