Cyclops One

Cyclops One by Jim DeFelice

Book: Cyclops One by Jim DeFelice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jim DeFelice
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they screwed with the tests?” asked Blitz.
    “I don’t see how. But I’m with you about rerunning the tests.”
    Until now Jolice’s claim to fame was manufacturing very small parts in rocket motors. Some of the other partners were fairly major players: Ferrone Radiavonics, for example, had done a great deal of work on Cyclops. But Jolice and the rest were newcomers in the ABM field.
    “A minor problem, compared to India,” Blitz told him. “Keep me informed. I want you to check in six hours from now.”
    “But it’s four in the morning here,” managed McIntyre before Blitz clicked off the line.
    The national security advisor picked up his glass of water and took another sip. Three more lines were lit with waiting calls.
    “Line two is your friend from New York, Kevin Smith, wondering about that ball game next Monday,” said Mozelle. “The Yankees?”
    Blitz grimaced. Smith had field box seats right behind the dugout. But there was no way he’d get a chance to get to New York with everything that was going on.
    “Better tell him we’ll reschedule,” said Blitz. “Who’s on two?”

Chapter 2

    The northern Wyoming airport had been a military base back in the sixties. All that remained were a few low-slung hangars dating from the forties or fifties. Even from the distance, it was clear that weeds had overgrown the runway—though the expert on forward air fields Fisher had persuaded to accompany him explained that wouldn’t be a real problem. The pavement itself was in good condition, clear of debris and not even dusty, as if it had been swept recently.
    Which Fisher thought very possible.
    “You could put a C-17 down on this,” said the sergeant, walking along the cement with him. The Air Force Special Tactics or Special Forces squadron member was trained in combat control tactics, or landing aircraft in hostile or potentially hostile areas near the front lines. A lanky Texan with a scar on his cheek, Sergeant Bowman preferred Marlboros to Camels but didn’t turn down free-bies. “You might even get a loaded C-5A off. Nice long runway. Good shape.”
    “You think it’s been used lately?” asked Fisher as they walked toward what had once been a hangar area.
    “Well, something’s been in and out: We know that just from what the sheriff was telling you,” said Sergeant Bowman. “But uh, pinpointing it to a 767—that all’s detective stuff.”
    “Where we going to find one of those?” said Fisher. He bent down to examine a spot on the pavement.
    The local sheriff had told him that the strip had been used by pot smugglers during the nineties. The sheriff claimed he’d put a stop to it; Fisher figured that meant his price had started eating too far into the overhead.
    There had been two reports of low-flying jets in the general area called in to the dispatcher three nights before, which would be the night after Cyclops’s disappearance. They’d actually sent a car out but of course found nothing.
    “Fuel truck was there,” said the sergeant. He walked to a stained spot near the cement about twenty feet away.
    “When?” asked Fisher.
    Sergeant Bowman got down on the pavement. “Recent. Real recent.”
    “Well, don’t taste it.” Fisher walked to the edge of the pad, then around toward the wall of the large building that sat at the corner of the ramp. The weeds weren’t all that high and a few were brushed back, but whether a truck had driven over them recently was anybody’s guess.
    Fisher took a fresh cigarette out and lit up. The main entrance to the base was up a road to his left. They’d seen another service road farther south when they’d been in the air. There were all sorts of tracks running across a spot at the north side: ATVs, it looked like.
    The next-door neighbors were a good twenty or thirty miles away. They had to be interviewed, even though it was unlikely as hell they knew anything.
    The sheriff had offered his help. That’d be a laugh, almost as big as the one

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