Cut Cords of Attachment

Cut Cords of Attachment by Rose Rosetree

Book: Cut Cords of Attachment by Rose Rosetree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Rosetree
checking for designer labels? Or how about being evaluated professionally, when the stare means hunting for any possible signs of incompetence on the job? Friendly or hostile, admiring or critical, however someone pays attention to you, don’t you feel it? Being more awake inside, you will feel it more.
    So what happens when, as a healer, you pay attention to someone and your attention is aimed directly at that person’s aura? You can activate a highly beneficial kind of self-awareness.
    Receiving attention can make a client self-conscious. But if the healer has an appropriate intent, that will be felt, too.
    Activation can be either partial or holistic. Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen, mostly, a zit? As if one zit were all that mattered! That’s an example of partial activation. In Step 3, you do the holistic version. Aiming deep, going all the way to a client’s soul, you can activate the whole person, not just his problem.
    TALE: Aware and Activating
    Before turning pro as a practitioner of Rosetree Energy Spirituality, my last full-time job was working as a secretary for AARP, the largest association in the United States. During the years I worked there, I had several bosses including Horace Deets. After I left AARP, Deets was promoted to Executive Director.
    Although I liked Horace a lot, we never exchanged a word after I stopped working for him. I had, however, made friends with another AARP executive, Elliott Carlson. Years after I left AARP, he invited me over for lunch. To begin our visit, Elliott gave me a tour of AARP’s new national headquarters.
    As we entered an extremely long hallway, I saw Horace Deets from the back. He, too, was walking all the way at the opposite end of the hallway. Deets appeared to be deep in conversation with another AARP executive.
    Recognizing him, I smiled affectionately. Of course, I wouldn’t have dreamed of asking him to turn around and talk to me. The man was now one of the most influential CEOs in America, while I had been his lowly secretary, and for just a few months at that.
    Abruptly Horace stood completely still. He turned around. Then he scanned the hall until he saw me and locked eyes for a second as if to say, “Oh, that presence belongs to you.” Executive Director Deets didn’t stop to wave or smile. We weren’t officially friends, after all. Having satisfied his curiosity, he turned around and kept walking.
    Haven’t you had experiences like this, too? Here is how I explain it. When someone is very aware, he recognizes the energy presence of people he knows well. I believe that my brief but affectionate gaze at Horace Deets activated awareness within him.
    My presence was familiar because we had worked together closely for months, although five years had passed since then. Because Horace had a highly developed level of consciousness, he felt someone checking out his aura, recognized my presence and turned around just long enough to satisfy his curiosity.
    Activating an Aura in Your Role as a Healer
    What, precisely, is the effect of appreciatively reading a client’s aura before cutting a cord? I leave that research project to the scientists involved in Rosetree Energy Spirituality. What I can tell you is based on my experience as a practitioner:
    Clients feel deeply validated. They remember their strengths. Even skeptics begin to respect the healing potential of what lies ahead with the remaining Steps to Cut a Cord of Attachment.
    In Step 1, you harnessed the power of intention. In Step 2, you positioned your awareness to make an Energy Sandwich. With Step 3, you can direct that appreciative, focused awareness toward your client’s aura, where a cord of attachment lies waiting.
    What if you do not feel quite comfortable yet reading auras? This book will supply some basics, perfect for cutting minor cords of attachment. Before you cut any major cord of attachment, it would be smart (and respectful to yourself) to develop full Stage Three

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