“Questioning” technique. Now that we’re bringing auras into the picture, let’s deepen your understanding about how “Questioning” works.
Each chakra databank projects a certain distance from your physical body. Depending on how much you use that particular databank, its size will fluctuate. However you position your consciousness, how often you use speech and action, whichever ways you allocate time: All of this automatically affects the size and quality of your chakra databanks.
Now, Courageous Explorer, remember how “Questioning” has you consciously release a question in order to receive the best answer? An aura reader, observing you do the technique, could tell if you were cheating by not releasing that question. Your aura would shift, depending on whether you did regular thinking about the question, analyzing it, or truly letting go.
An example of regular thinking is asking a question inside like, “What are the dynamics of my cord of attachment to my neighbor, Joe?” Normally, you would answer this by using your everyday conscious mind.
Doing this, concentrating pretty hard, you would activate the related databank at your Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Analyzing Life. Out would pop that chakra databank, extra big.
By contrast, consider analytical thinking, the mental process used to solve puzzles. As an example, you might think, “What are the dynamics of my cord of attachment to my neighbor, Joe?” Hmm, I already know that he is controlling. What has happened between us? What has been especially upsetting?”
With several seconds more of focused analytical thinking, your Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Analyzing Life would expand even more.
Now, let’s say that you ask that same question, only this time you really let go with consciousness. Using the “Questioning” technique, you think, “What are the dynamics of my cord of attachment to my neighbor, Joe?” Then you follow up with two Vibe-Raising Breaths, which help you to release the question completely.
Which chakra databank expands most now? It’s the Third Eye Chakra Databank for Compassionate Understanding of Your Human Life. “Analyzing Life” and many other chakra databanks would simultaneously grow smaller.
What fun, cutting cords of attachment with a great big forehead!
Myth Versus Gift Sets
Ready to learn more about your distinctive Gift Set for aura reading? Start by releasing The Myth About Auras.
Supposedly, talented healers see auras. One quick look instantly reveals everything important.
What a weird idea this is. Limiting! Confusing! Wrong!
In the light of common sense, such a notion might even seem comical.
Auras aren’t some TV show with the sound off. They’re energy bodies around your physical body, encoded as abstract bits and bytes of information. Each human being has been given an instrument for decoding these bits and bytes, but here’s the tricky part: Each person’s instrument has a unique way of working.
Not fully using your instrument yet? I know I can help you. Here is the single most important thing I’ve learned from teaching aura reading over the past 20 years. Everyone has a complete Gift Set for Deeper Perception.
This is a collection of abilities and sensitivities. Your Gift Set has been hard-wired into your mind-body-spirit system. Like your handedness or your sexual orientation, your Gift Set is no mere whim. It deserves respect as a sacred expression of who you are as a person.
Courageous Explorer, you can trust that your set of gifts is perfect. It’s related to your SPIRITUAL MISSION, ways that you have come to Earth to serve humanity.
What does it mean to respect your Gift Set? Be willing to accept these basic facts of life:
Everyone was created equal, given a perfect and complete Gift Set.
Yet everyone was not created identical.
What matters is that you trust everything you experience while doing a technique for aura reading. Because spontaneously you will be using your
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