Cupid's Daughter

Cupid's Daughter by Libby Sparks

Book: Cupid's Daughter by Libby Sparks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Libby Sparks
Chapter One
    I sighed and ran my fingers across the table. As usual, I was sitting alone with a drink in my hands. I took a sip and looked around bar. It was an old bar, one with faded booths and worn tables. The walls were a grey painted brick and were beginning to chip. It had charm, something I don’t often see anymore. The nearby college kept it going, and was clearly a hotspot for the students to gather. Young couples and groups of friends crowded the place as I sat alone and sulked.
    I gave a glance at my watch and sighed once more. I could feel the old guy sitting next to me watching my every move, waiting to make his. He reeked of cigarettes, and it made me crave one. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I had a job to do, and the sooner I got it done with, the sooner I could leave. I took another sip of my alcohol and watched my client.
    He was a brown haired, cute college boy, that was about my age, sitting with his friends and unaware of the life changing circumstance that was about to happen. I watched closely as one of his college buddies told a dirty joke and the whole table laughed, except for my client. He gave a chuckle and then looked away, distracted. He was more mature than his group of college buddies, but was afraid to admit it. He was ready to fall in love.
    Lucky duck.
    I sighed again and glanced at my watch. When I looked back to my client I noticed that he had walked over to the bartender and ordered another round of drinks. I ran my pale hand through my long, snow white hair and stood up from the table, taking my drink with me. I could only think about how desperately I wanted a cigarette as I passed the man who smelled of it.
    I tapped the boy on the shoulder and he turned to face me. His eyes brightened at the sight of me.
    "Hello," he greeted with a confident smile.
    I smiled back politely. "Hi."
    "Can I help you?" He never let his grin falter. I stole a quick glance back at his friends, making sure that they weren't watching.
    "Actually," I said. "I'm here to help you ."
    "Oh, is that so?" he asked playfully.
    I lowered my voice to a volume only he could hear. "I know you don't want to be here but your friends always drag you along, don't they?"
    His brow creased. "H-how do you know that?"
    I ignored his question and turned to the sound of someone entering the bar. A pretty blonde girl walked in, tears streaming down her face and I smiled. Right on time. I pulled a twenty dollar bill from my pocket and handed it to the client.
    "Take this and buy that girl a drink. Don't make any cheesy moves and just sit and listen to her." He didn't take the bill so I stuck it in the pocket of his red plaid shirt.
    "What are you talking about? Who are you?"
    I rolled my eyes and pointed to the girl, she was sitting by herself at the end of the bar, still crying. Her cute brown curls would be a perfect match for his loose ones.
    "I can't take your money."
    "You just did," I told him, setting down my now empty glass and sliding down from a stool. "Just do as I say and you will get what you want, I promise. Have a good night."
    "Wait," my client said and grabbed my hand. "I don't even know your name."
    I forced a smile, more than ready to leave. I was so tired of these small jobs. "It's her name that you need to know." My eyes averted in the direction of the girl.
    I stood in the entryway as I watched him walk over to the sobbing girl. She seemed thankful that someone as cute as him came to talk to her. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a small arrow, and gave it a toss toward the future couple. It passed through the boy and into the girl's chest before disintegrating back into the universe.
    Then I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket and stuck it in my mouth with a shaky hand. I had to leave at that point, I always did. I couldn't stand to be there and watch the results of my work while I was left lonely and empty...a fate I was destined to live for eternity.

Chapter Two
    "You have living arrangements?"

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