Crazy About You

Crazy About You by Katie O'Sullivan

Book: Crazy About You by Katie O'Sullivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie O'Sullivan
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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    “First things first. Let’s get the samples over to the storage cooler at the Center for Coastal Studies. I want to make sure our work today doesn’t go to waste.”
    “And then…” Todd grinned and pretended to hoist an invisible pint glass.
    “We’ll see.”
    “Which is as close to a yes as I ever get from you, boss.”
    “Okay, Todd? You gotta stop.”
    “Stop what, boss?”
    Chase shook his head, exasperated. “Calling me boss all the time. It sounds ridiculous. Almost as bad as dude .”
    Todd grinned. “You got it, boss. I promise not to do it all the time.”
    Emma glanced up from assisting a customer when Chase and his assistant strolled by the shop’s plate glass window, duffle bags slung over their shoulders and two big coolers on wheels in their wake. Chase caught her eye and smiled, but kept up the brisk pace. From the look on his face, Emma guessed the trip was a success, but had no idea how he quantified “success.” And with the shop currently full of tourists, she had no way to find out.
    Just thinking about talking to him again sent a wild thrill running through her. But it wasn’t like she could drop everything and rush after him, much as she might want to. Part of her wondered if that Vito guy was lurking somewhere, waiting in the shadows to catch her chatting with Chase. Yes, she’d promised Tony she wouldn’t start dating anyone seriously, but Kathy’s words circled her thoughts. Why did she promise him something so silly? He wasn’t her boyfriend. And there was obvious chemistry with Chase. She wanted a chance to know him better, if he’d even give her that chance after yesterday’s misunderstanding.
    The customer at her side interrupted her thoughts. “Not to sound cheap, but why are the beads in these bins so much more expensive than the ones at the craft store?”
    Emma smiled. “Each of these glass beads is handmade by a local artisan, not machine-manufactured in China. The beads in that bin are some of my personal favorites. The artist actually has a glass studio in Brewster you can visit, if you’re so inclined, and she ships beads and other pieces of art glass to galleries all around the country.”
    “Is that why some of the finished pieces of jewelry are so expensive, too?”
    “We like to support the local community. My mom believes some of the most creative jewelry artists in the world live here on Cape Cod.” She continued on to point out pieces and name the artists, some of whom the woman had heard of.
    “Oh, Cosmo featured her necklaces in a recent issue,” the customer gushed, clapping her hands. “What else do you have by her?”
    Forty-five minutes later, the woman walked out the door happy with her purchases. She bought several hundred dollars’ worth of finished jewelry, and Emma forgot momentarily about Chase’s grey eyes and Tony’s annoying cousin. She remembered how much she enjoyed the idea of helping the local economy, supporting the artists who called the Cape their home.
    Her mom’s shop served a real purpose for the local community, and someone would be able to pay their rent through the winter months because of these sales today. The thought made her question her own job back in the city. Who benefitted from all the long hours and hard work she put in?
    In the last several months, she successfully helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to help build and implement the mayor’s new initiative. But there still wasn’t anything concrete to show for it all. Not like what her mom did here in P-town every day. And certainly not like Chase, with his save-the-planet scientific missions.
    The thought of Chase and his smile made her heart skip a beat. It might have only been one lunch date—okay, not even really a date-date—but there was something about him that felt so familiar. Like she finally found what she was looking for.
    She glanced at Hershey, lying behind the counter. “Which sounds crazy, right? I

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