Cracked Dreams

Cracked Dreams by Michael Daniel Baptiste

Book: Cracked Dreams by Michael Daniel Baptiste Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Daniel Baptiste
their minds.
    When our meeting was done, I left the restaurant with a sigh of relief. I’d imagined all the worst that could’ve happened from this situation, but I’d never imagined that all that prompted this meeting was plain old greed. When I left there, I went home and called Gin.
    â€œWhat’s up, Gin?” I asked once she’d answered the phone. “Listen, pack a bag, nothing heavy. We’re going to California in the morning.”

    W hen Spits first told Ginger about his plans for California, she’d become very nervous. She’d still been contemplating his suggestion for them to go away, but had yet to make a decision. Now everything was moving so quickly. Before she knew it, he was spitting directions and locations at her before even asking her if she felt okay going. Spits automatically assumed that she’d want to be with him, no matter what. He was right about her wanting to be with him, but she couldn’t help second-guessing the flight.
    â€œI don’t know about this,” Ginger said as they stood in line to board the plane.
    â€œWhat do you mean?” Spits asked. “We’re already here, Gin.”
    â€œI know, but I’m having second thoughts.”
    â€œListen, this is business. I don’t have time to play around. Now, I told Trigger that once I was out there to set everything up, that he could come. I can’t let anything fuck that up, Gin. Trig’s depending on me.”
    â€œOkay, Daddy,” Ginger said, finally relaxing a bit. “Just promise me that you won’t let anything happen.”
    â€œI promise,” he said, immediately making her feel much better.
    They boarded the plane and everything was moving according to schedule. The flight attendants went through all of the safety precautions, and then the pilot informed the passengers that they’d be approaching the runway shortly. When the aircraft left the terminal, Ginger grabbed on to Spits’hand and held on tightly. Once it was on the runway, she put her head back and shut her eyes. Spits had never seen Ginger behaving so fearfully. The look in her eyes made him uneasy, but he tried making her feel better by maintaining his composure. As the jet started down the runway slowly and then faster, Ginger’s grip on his hand grew tighter and tighter. An instant fear of dying came over her as the plane left the ground, but once it was in the air, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. The pilot came on to inform everyone of the estimated time of arrival. He also informed everyone that the seatbelt light would be going off so that they would be free to use the facilities.
    â€œSee, Mommy,” said Spits. “I won’t ever let anything happen to you. I promise.”
    She looked into his eyes, and recognized the sincerity in his voice. “I believe you.”
    â€œI can’t wait to get to Cali so you can meet my sister. I think you two will get along real nicely.”
    â€œI don’t know, Daddy.” Ginger was nervous about meeting her. “You know, I can be a real bitch sometimes.”
    â€œShit, you ain’t lyin’ either,” he said with a chuckle. “If anybody, I know that’s a fact. You don’t have to worry about her approving of us, Gin. She’s gonna love you.”
    â€œWe’ll see.”
    The rest of the flight was smooth and the turbulence was kept at a minimum. By the time the flight was over, Ginger hadn’t even realized the minor bumps in the landing as the plane approached LAX. Spits had put her at complete ease. The only person that could’ve put Ginger in that frame of mind was him, and no one else. When they exited the plane, they collected the few bags that they’d checked, and were on their way. They immediately caught a cab to Rachel’s apartment complex. When they got there, their arrival was met with open arms.
    Ginger and Rachel hit it off

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