Cowboy All Night (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood, Book 5)

Cowboy All Night (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood, Book 5) by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Book: Cowboy All Night (Thunder Mountain Brotherhood, Book 5) by Vicki Lewis Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson
wanted...more. Clutching his head in both hands, she surrendered to needs she’d never acknowledged before. She wanted to be taken, possessed, ravished. “Now.”
    “Yes, now.” His cupped hands supported her, holding her steady for his assault.
    She thought he would turn her inside out, so intense was the pleasure. He burrowed deep and the connection became so intimate that had she not been writhing in ecstasy she might have been shocked. Instead she abandoned herself to loving more passionate than she’d ever known. She came quickly and almost forgot to muffle her cries.
    In an endearing display of tenderness, he stayed where he was, kissing her damp thighs and pressing his hand where his mouth had been as if to steady her descent. Earlier she’d been worried that someone might discover them like this. Now she didn’t give a damn. Some things were worth risking embarrassment.
    Gradually the chirping of birds and the rustle of wind through the nearby pines reminded her that a whole world existed beyond the confines of the van. Someone might eventually show up and wonder why it was parked here with two comatose people inside, including one who was completely naked.
    The outrageous nature of what they’d just done began to penetrate her lust-fogged brain. She’d never had sex in a semipublic place in the middle of the day. She’d never had sex in a semipublic place in the middle of the night, either.
    Brant lay with his cheek against her thigh and his eyes closed.
    She stroked his hair. “That was wonderful.”
    “But we should probably move.” The precarious nature of their situation had finally dawned on her.
    He snuggled closer.
    She patted the top of his head. “Really. We can’t stay like this.”
    No answer.
    “Are you asleep ?”
    “No.” His eyes remained closed. “But I’ve found my favorite place and I don’t want to leave it.”
    “Sorry, but your favorite place is about to go. I’m getting dressed.” She tried to extricate herself.
    “Wait.” His big hand closed over her thigh, pinning her down.
    “I really think we need to make ourselves presentable.”
    “We will, but let’s not rush it.” He opened his eyes and looked up at her. “Man, I love this view. And, FYI, you may think you’re done with the program, but your nipples say otherwise.”
    As usual, he made her laugh. “They don’t speak for me. I say it’s time to put some clothes on.”
    “Promise me this. Once you’re inside the cabin tonight, you won’t wear clothes until you’re ready to leave in the morning.”
    “Easy promise. I like being naked with you. It’s the rest of the population I’d rather not face.”
    “Actually, I’m okay with that reservation.” He pushed himself up on his forearms. “Having an exclusive sounds excellent to me. Let’s get you covered up.”
    She breathed a sigh of relief. The heat they’d generated had burned away all her inhibitions, but now they came surging back. “I’ll need some help finding things. I have no idea where you put my panties.”
    “I do. Be right back.” He slid out of the van and plucked something from the door handle. “Hey, they’re dry. They were really wet before.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.
    “Because you hit me with the hose.” She shimmied into them and was aware that he watched her do it.
    “I don’t think it was the hose.” He handed her the jeans he’d draped over the door. “I think somebody was turned on.”
    “Maybe.” She struggled into her jeans, which hadn’t dried as thoroughly as her panties. She found her bra and T-shirt on the floor where she’d tossed them. Both were still damp.
    “So you’re dressed.”
    She glanced down at her wrinkled shirt. “But not very presentable. We’re supposed to have lunch with Rosie and Herb.”
    “Okay, I have an idea. There’s a compact washer and dryer in Cade’s cabin.”
    “Wow, it really is fitted out well.”
    “It is. So let’s quickly get the outside

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