The Accidental Mistress

The Accidental Mistress by Kate Harper

Book: The Accidental Mistress by Kate Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Harper
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
    Chapter One
    ‘I’ve heard a rumor,’ Lord Antony Fortnum had to raise his voice to be heard above the din of the Hellfire Club.
    Devereux gave his friend a sideways look, dark eyes amused. They’d shared the best part of three bottles of claret together and Tony was well in his cups. Dev, on the other hand, was more or less clearheaded; he had a reputation of being able to drink most men under the table.
    ‘Rumors are a sad fact of life, Tony. Which one is it this time? My impending marriage? I’ve challenged some other poor fool to a duel?’
    ‘They’re a little more sultry than that. The rumors are all around Alice Gaskell.’
    Dev arched an eyebrow, wondering how the hell word had gotten around about his interest in Alice. He’d been very discreet because, while Alice wasn’t marriageable material, ruining her would be scandalous and he didn’t wish the world to know that he was interested in the chit.
    Which was why he’d taken such pains to keep his proposed seduction a secret. ‘You listen to others too much Tony and then you compound your folly by talking rot. Have another glass of wine!’
    ‘Oh now, rot is it? Well you’re wrong there because I know . Rumsey was talking about it at White’s just yesterday. Saw you and the Gaskell chit off in a quiet corner in the gardens, heads together and as thick as thieves. Everybody knows that you’ve got your eye on the gel. Why wouldn’t you? With her looks half the blades in London are dancing attendance. But it’ll land you in trouble,’ his friend predicted, ‘She’s not one of your usual bits of skirt and you won’t be able to pay her off with a couple of pretty trinkets. She’s Quality for all her mother’s family smells of the shop.’
    Which was, Dev reflected wearily, quite true. But Alice was a ripe little piece who was as keen as he was to take their acquaintance further. She’d made her interest in him perfectly clear from the outset. Alice Gaskell knew exactly what she wanted and he was more than happy to give it to her. ‘I wouldn’t worry about it Tony,’ he murmured, turning his attention back to the two men who were going at each other in the ring, stripped down to breeches, both of them gleaming with sweat. Clearly both boxers were getting tired for their swings were becoming progressively wilder as they staggered across the canvas. ‘I’ve yet to be nailed by some pretty young hopeful or her grasping mother. You may believe me when I tell you that I’m in no danger now.’
    ‘Ha!’ Lord Fortnum hiccupped and drained his glass once again, ‘That’s what you say! But the world knows that Felicia Gaskell has a dead set on making a good match for that girl of hers and I’ve an inkling that she’ll get one. She has the ear of Lady Jersey and Lady Beddlington. You don’t want to go putting them offside. Trust me Dev; luscious she may be, Alice ain’t worth the trouble she’ll bring if you try and bed her without a ring.’
    ‘I’m well aware of what I’m doing, Tony. Relax. I’m not about to fall into marriage just yet.’
    ‘Keep playing with fire and you might not have a choice.’ Fortnum muttered, turning his attention back to the fight. He had a wager on Boucher and by God, it looked as if he were going to collect. ‘Thorpe’s looking woozy. One good uppercut and he’ll go down.’
    Dev smiled and poured them both more claret. ‘He will, I won’t. I don’t want you talking about me and the Gaskell chit Tony. The girl is a lovely piece of perfection, no doubt about it but that’s all she is. A pretty face with nothing of substance behind it.’ He offered his friend a glass, ‘So? Your silence?’
    ‘Oh certainly. I’ll put a lid on it but I’m not the only one talking. Take care, Dev. That’s all I’m saying. At some stage, all men must fall, although most of the time they trip their way into the shackles.’
    Dev grinned and they turned back to the fight just as Boucher landed the

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