Cosmic Bounty

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Authors: Unknown
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brother dies and they are no longer a set of Quads?”
    “We have the band of lost brothers. If one or more are lost in battle or war, they seek out and adopt more into a family. We learned early in our civilization we do not cope well out of our sets.”
    “Then you would not do well on earth. While we seek out others for company, we have a saying: two’s company, three’s a crowd.”
    Yuv smiled. “Then let us be a crowd.”
    Kat laughed at his smile.
    Before he could answer, a set of quads suddenly burst through the crowd, right behind them, knocking both Yuv and Tev , standing on either side of her. More men joined in and suddenly a fight broke out.
    A sweaty hand suddenly clamped over her nose and mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist. They pulled her backward through the crowd of onlookers. She fought wildly, as panic flooded through her. She couldn’t breathe. Her fingers dug into the hand over her mouth, while she struggled to suck in air. Spots started to swim before her eyes, and her strength left her. She sagged against her abductor before blacking out.

    Chapter Thirteen
    “I’m going to kill them!”
    Ric and Gol grabbed Hul before he attacked Yuv and Tev . “How could you have left her unguarded? Why were you not all with her! ” Hul bellowed at the men who were supposed to be guarding and caring for their treasure.
    “ Oul and Riv took Sarrbeem , Kat was distressing her. It was then we were ambushed. They knocked us over and started a fight, and then scurried away, before we could get back to her,” Yuv tried to explain.
    “We should have never left her in the hand of others. We are the only ones who can protect her properly. If anything happens to her, I swear I will tear your whole family apart.”
    “Calm, brother, it will do no good in finding our Kat.” Gol let go of his arm, stood in front of him gripping his neck and pressed his head to his brother's.
    “Do you not think I feel the anger, too? Right now, we need to stay calm. We’ll head back to our dwelling and activate the bio tracker. Ric did not leave us without a means of finding her, if this ever happened.”
    Hul lifted his head, glaring into his brother’s eyes. “You knew this would happen, didn’t you.”
    “No, I prayed it would not, but she is an exotic and not like our females. Once the word got out such a female had come to Galafrax , I feared others would try to steal her.”
    “Then why are we waiting here? Let’s go get her.” Hul , followed by his brothers, stormed out. No mercy would be shown if anyone had harmed their treasure.
    Kat blinked against the bright lights when the sack was pulled from her head. She sucked in a lungful of stale, musty air, stained with the foul stench of sweat and unwashed bodies.
    Wherever they had brought her, it was hotter than anywhere else she’d been, since her arrival on Galafrax . Her perspiration trickled down the back of her neck and also from her forehead.
    Her throat was dry from trying to breathe through the rotten cloth of the sack, now thankfully removed.
    “My, what delectable prize have you brought, this time? What flavor of skin do I see, creamy white as lily’s milk.”
    Kat squinted to get a better look at the fat, red, Demos man who lounged on a large, red cushioned chair. Behind him, in the shadows, were two more men, she could only guess to be his brothers.
    “I heard from one of the returned, quad soldiers a new pale-skinned beauty had come to Galafrax . I happened by the markets today and there she be, guarded but by two. It was an easy capture.”
    She snapped her head around to glare at her kidnappers. Strange there only seemed to three of them, not four.
    “Pity to those who cannot properly guard their females. They don't deserve them.” The red boss man grinned.
    Kat licked her lips. “I don’t know who the hell you are, but if you don’t take me back right now, my men are going to tear you limb from limb.”
    “She has

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