Cosmic Bounty

Cosmic Bounty by Unknown

Book: Cosmic Bounty by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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voice, which brought her out of her thoughts.
    “Oh, no, it’s okay, really.” She plastered a false smile on her lips.
    Tev offered his arm, and they walked back to the large lift they had arrived in, before heading out to the front of the building. A black, sleek, jellybean-shaped hover car waited.
    “Are you well? Do you need to rest?” Tev helped her into the jellybean car.
    Mentally, Kat felt tired, worrying over her future, but the last thing she wanted was to also worry her new parents.
    “I am fine. Why?”
    “ Sarrbeem wishes to take you to the southern markets for new clothing. She and the others are already there waiting for our arrival.”
    “Oh, okay then, best not to keep them waiting.”
    Tev commanded the car to take them to the south market. Kat sucked in a deep breath. Hopefully, the distraction of a market would help make her feel better; after all, what woman didn’t like shopping.
    The market was a mass of red skin and black hair. It bustled with voices yelling, engines grinding and strange music coming from behind closed doors, as they passed. Delicious cooking scents wafted through the heated air. They passed what Kat guessed to be the Demos version of bars and restaurants. She saw Demos women gathered in clusters, at tables talking, laughing, and drinking, while men stood around them looking fierce and protective.
    Kat had yet to see someone, other than the medical team, wearing any kind of sleeves. She wore her yellow summer dress, as the climate varied from warm at night to steaming hot during the day.
    Kat couldn’t help but stare. In turn she was stared at, many quad brothers turning their full attention to her, some even going so far as to follow for a moment, to get a better look.
    Thankfully, all four of her fathers came out with them, two in front of her and two behind them.
    Kat was too caught up in the bustle of activity around her to really notice Sarrbeem tugging her along beside her, like some prized pet. They moved from stall to stall. Sarrbeem picked garment after garment, piling them into Kat’s arms. Kat gave a distressed look to Yuv and Tev .
    Perceptively, they gave her an understanding nod and whispered to their brothers. Oul and Riv moved in behind Sarrbeem and whispered something into her ear, while Riv and Tev moved Kat out of the way. Whatever it was they whispered to their wife, it made her eyes light up greedily. She glanced once at Kat, before she let her men lead her away.
    Bemused, Kat glanced up at Riv and Tev . “Where are they going?”
    “We promised to treat her to a Krindlic . It is a rare and expensive delicacy on Galafrax .”
    “Oh, I didn’t want you to go to any trouble on my account.” Kat placed the weighty pile of clothing back on the table.
    The two brothers smiled warmly. “You are no trouble, Daughter. Choose what you need; the others will not be back for a while. Krindlics need to be caught and killed fresh.”
    “Um, okay.” Kat as sure as hell didn’t want to know what a Krindlic was, if it needed to be caught and killed for them to feed on.
    Kat moved deeper into the store they entered. Two of the sellers leered at her, as she picked through the clothing, making her feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. She tried on two of the garments hanging on the racks around them. Unfortunately, everything was made to fit the Demos-sized women. There was nothing to accommodate her large breast size.
    Kat sighed. “Nothing is going to fit me. I may need a few custom made clothes.”
    “You are a feast for the eye, pretty female.” The seller’s eyes were riveted to her chest. “I have never seen the likes of such a bountiful female. Are you an unmated female? For you I would create any clothing you desired.”
    “She is not, and she is under our protection,” Yuv growled, steeping forward, glaring at the seller.
    The man’s eyes widened and glanced at his brother, before respectfully nodding. Kat noticed the seller eyed the emblems

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