Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey

Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey

Book: Love Means_. Freedom - Andrew Grey by Andrew Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Grey
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"Sure." Jasper moved toward the indicated room. "Get going already."
    Preston moved toward his room, pulling off his coat and shedding his clothes as quickly as he could before wheeling himself naked into the bathroom. His shower had been specially equipped, and he absolutely hated the thing. He used it because he had to, but all the special accommodations made him angry--he just wanted to be normal, whole again. Preston moved to the bathing seat and started the water. The water felt good as it washed over him, and Preston let himself wonder what it would be like to have Stone in here with him. "I'd bet you'd be stunning,"
    he said to himself as he brought up a picture of the young man in his mind. Skin all wet, hair slicked down. In his mind, he pictured him with smooth skin and long, wiry legs. Maybe they could put this freaking seat to more interesting uses?

    Preston found that part of him had no trouble whatsoever standing, and he had to stop himself from jacking off thinking about Stone. He didn't have time, and if he hurried, he'd have more time to spend with the handsome creature he was imagining. "No fair beating off in there," Jasper called from his bedroom.
    "Very funny. I'll be done in a second. Keep your pants on, because I sure don't want to see you naked." He heard laughter and the door closed again. Preston's arousal had abated enough that he could finish cleaning himself, turning off the water before drying as best he could and transferring back to his chair. Preston managed to get his underwear and pants on before finally deciding on a festive red shirt. Pulling on socks and shoes, he grabbed the coat he wanted to wear and wheeled back to the living room. "Do I look okay?"
    Jasper stood and grabbed his coat before looking Preston over appraisingly. "You look very nice." He handed Preston the beautifully wrapped package, and they left the house.

    Traffic was heavy as they drove through town, but thinned expectedly as they made their way down country roads toward the farm. "You don't need me to pick you up, do you?"

    Preston smiled. "No. Stone said he'd bring me home." They pulled into the drive and pulled to a stop. "Thank you, Jas, Merry Christmas." They'd already exchanged gifts, so he hugged him tight.

    "Merry Christmas, Pres." Jasper held him and didn't immediately let go. "You know the chair doesn't define who you are." Preston pulled back, wondering where Jasper was going.

    "Remember the person you were before the accident."

    "You mean the one who could walk, take himself to the bathroom, and get people to look at me once in a while with something other than pity?" Preston remarked sarcastically.
    "No, you big ass! I mean the guy who could enliven a party just by coming in the door, the guy who had fun, and the guy who drove Old Man Newkirk to an early retirement." They both smiled at the memory. "That guy is still in there somewhere. And if you see pity when people look at you, it's because of the attitude, not the chair." Jasper pointed toward the house. "So get in there and show them the Preston I know and love."
    He folded his hands over his chest, not sure if he was insulted or if Jasper was being purposely condescending. "Which one is that?" Jasper grinned and then began to laugh. "The adult version of the guy who, sophomore year, convinced every freshman on the football team that on November first, it was a school tradition to wear their jockstraps on the outside of their uniforms." Jasper began laughing hysterically, and Preston couldn't stop himself and laughed right along with him, a deep belly laugh that he hadn't experienced in months.
    "They nearly killed me," Preston gasped. He hadn't thought of that in years.
"But the pictures were great blackmail." Their laughter drifted away, but the smiles remained.
"Thanks." He looked over at what he suddenly realized was the best friend he'd ever had.
"Let me go so you can get home to that man of yours."
    Preston was still smiling as he got

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