Conall: The 93rd Highlanders, Book Two
tell that pleased him. “Now, go
    “ Well, he
came over and wanted to know which hand I’d had on your sweet
    “ Did he say
that?” she interrupted. “About me?”
    “ Yes, he
did,” Graeme said, the very picture of patience. “And so I showed
him my right hand and he pulled off the glove and sucked the finger
I’d had inside you.”
    “ He didn’t,”
she breathed out in wonder.
    “ Aye, he
did,” Graeme assured her. “Then he asked if my cock would taste
like you too, and when I said yes, he fell to his knees, yanked up
my kilt, and sucked my cock pretty as you please.”
    “ Oh my God,”
Avril said, breathless with excitement. “I did too! I mean suck you
like that. And?”
    “ And I
thought about that, you doing it, while he was doing it, and it was
like having you both doing it.” He shook his head. “I never had it
so good.”
    “ He’s better
than me?” she asked, not sure if she was upset or not. “It’s true I
haven’t had a lot of practice.”
    “ No, not
better,” Graeme said, “just different. It was just having the
experience with both of you that made it feel so much stronger, you
understand? After all, he told me the only thing he knew of it was
when you sucked his. So you did teach him all he knows.” He grinned
at her.
    “ That I did,”
she agreed. “And then? Did you come?”
    “ I had my
cock in the man’s mouth,” Graeme said. “What do you
    She laughed in delight.
“And did he like that? When you came in his mouth?”
    “ He did,”
Graeme said nodding. “Very much. So much that as soon as I did he
pulled me down on the floor with him, yanked up his own kilt and
begged me to do the same to him. He was hard as a rock from sucking
    Avril put her hands to
her cheeks and felt them burning. It wasn’t embarrassment, but heat
from the desire washing through her. “I’m sure he was,” she said.
“Just as I was so aroused from doing it. You’ve got a mighty fine
    Graeme laughed again.
“Thank you kindly.”
    “ So did you?”
she asked as she went to get his tea, wanting to hear
    “ Of course I
did,” Graeme said in surprise. “Conall’s got a mighty fine cock
    “ Aye, he
does,” she said dreamily. “So straight and proud when he’s wanting
    “ Yes,” said
Graeme with the same sort of longing in his voice. “And sweet too.
Did you taste the sweetness in him?”
    “ Oh, yes,”
Avril said with a sigh. “I loved the taste of that man.”
    “ I’m sorry,”
Graeme said solemnly.
    Avril turned back with
his steaming cup in hand. “Whatever for?” she asked.
    “ For having
him when you’re still wanting him.”
    Avril waved away his
apologies. “We both know why I can’t have Conall, the stubborn
fool. But don’t ever forget that I want you like that too. And I
don’t mind the two of you together. Surely you can see that.” This
time the heat in her cheeks was embarrassment.
    “ Aye,” Graeme
growled, “I can see that. Come closer and I’ll whisper in your ear
same as I did him. I laid him down and told him everything I’d done
to you and how much you liked it while I fucked his sweet cock with
my hand.”
    Avril took the teacup
from his hand and set it down on the table. Then she pushed Graeme
down on his back on her cot and climbed on top of him, straddling
his hips. She leaned down and whispered against his mouth, “Every
detail. Don’t leave anything out.” He just laughed and reached for
her skirt.
    “ Munro.” The
harsh whisper through his tent flap had Graeme sitting up next to
Conall. He turned panicked eyes to Conall, who lay next to him
naked as the day he was born. Silently Conall rolled off the cot to
the floor behind it, hidden under the fall of the blanket off the
cot. It was cold enough to freeze his balls off, but he lay there
with his teeth chattering, not wanting to be found here like
    Graeme rose from his cot
and grabbed his kilt, wrapping

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