Compromised Cowgirl
neatly folded clothing on a flat rock. He snorted. No boy would stop to fold his clothing. A padded corset of canvas lined with soft cotton explained how she bound her breasts. Wide padding attached like a belt would hide the curve of her waist. Thinking back, she usually wore a thigh-length coat. That would cover her back end.
    He looked closer at her corset. How the hell had she done so much work with her ribs bound so tight, and at this altitude? Sheer determination along with one huge dollop of need, throw in some stubborn, and there you have it. A woman fighting to work herself to a stick, just to stay in the saddle. She was far older than fourteen. He was twenty-six, and she was well past marrying age. In England she’d be on the shelf, a dried up, sexless old maid.
    He watched Jessie float on her back, eyes closed. She sculled with her hands and moved her legs to keep afloat. He groaned when she frog-kicked, showing him the spot his cock couldn’t wait to fill.
    Jessie was no dried up stick. She was a curvaceous woman who’d driven him mad for weeks. Ranger must have known she was female. Did the two of them laugh at how they fooled him for so long?
    Jessie said Ranger knew her before she went east. If so, why hadn’t he taken her on his own ranch? Perhaps he was an old lover. After all, Jessie must have lived with men, working as a cowboy, for years. She’d have had many lovers. She’d pulled a game on him, but he was the winner. Not only did he get three weeks of free, excellent labor out of her, she owed him. She was on his land, having stolen his horse.
    He could have her if he wanted. And he wanted her, by George! His cock had had enough teasing. It wanted action!
    His bellow echoed off the high back wall of the pool. She startled and went under, arms and legs flailing. She came to the surface, coughing and choking. She swam closer, still choking, until her feet reached the bottom and she could stand with her shoulders out of the water. She kept her head down, coughing and wheezing. The water was so clear he saw her shape to her hips. The curves of a full-grown woman.
    “Dammit, why the heck did you do that?”
    She wiped her eyes and glared up at him. He saw the moment she realized who he was.
    “Oh, no!” She pushed herself backward, deeper into the water until only her head protruded. “Go away!”
    “Get out of the water.”
    “No! I don’t work for you anymore.”
    She narrowed her eyes at him, jaw jutting out of the water. The effect was spoiled by her need to keep moving to stay afloat.
    “You stole my horse and are trespassing on Double Diamond land. I can do whatever the hell I want with you.”
    “If I’m on your land, and so is Trouble, I haven’t stolen anything. You can’t hurt me, you need me too much. I want to stay on the Double D. You’ve only got a couple of weeks of experience. You’ll never get it ready for winter without me.”
    She was right, blast it. He needed her. About to curse, he closed his mouth when an idea formed. She could do more for him than ride a horse. He could put her body to good use during the day, and they could share the night. She couldn’t complain when he made that part of the deal. Either she’d agree, or he’d have Frank Chambers throw her in jail. He’d prove to her how much she’d enjoy his attention, first.
    “You can stay,” he called out. She sagged in relief at his words, almost sinking in the water. “But I want more than your cowboy skills.”
    She frowned at him. “What do you mean?”
    The water looked inviting. So did the nymph floating in it. With over a foot difference in their heights, the buoyancy would be useful. He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off. She gulped, her eyes flicking over him. He pulled off his boots. Her face was now pink. He undid his belt and pants and stepped out of them.
    “Isn’t it obvious what I want?”
    Her eyes stared at the thick cock pointing at her. Her mouth was open as if

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