
Completed by Becca Jameson

Book: Completed by Becca Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca Jameson
did his. “Be right back.” He hauled himself up and padded to the bathroom. A stack of washcloths sat on the shelf over the toilet. He turned on the sink, grabbed a cloth, and quickly cleaned himself up.
    He soaked another, wrung it out, and headed back to the bed.
    Neither of his mates had moved. As soon as he set the warm cloth on Samantha’s thigh and nudged her to open for him, she moaned.
    “So sensitive.” She flinched and gripped his wrist as he wiped through her folds. Her essence filled his nose.
    “That’s better.” He tossed the washcloth on the bedside table and lay alongside her once again.
    Josh’s body aligned with Samantha’s, but his free hand gripped his cock. The man needed release.
    “Lie back, Josh.” Nathan lifted Samantha as Josh sprawled out on his back. As Josh released his cock, Nathan settled Samantha’s body over the top of Josh, her legs straddling Josh’s torso.
    Samantha moaned as she leaned down to kiss Josh. Her head tipped to the side as she licked his mouth and then entered with her tongue.
    Lord, Josh had been right. It was very erotic watching Samantha get pleasure from the other man. Why didn’t he experience jealousy? Instead he felt calmed that she was in such rapture.
    Nathan stepped from the bed again. “Josh, do you have anything useful in your luggage?” He stepped toward the man’s belongings next to the bed. Lube. They needed lube. He hoped Josh knew what he was referring to.
    “Yeah, side pocket,” Josh murmured around Samantha’s mouth.
    Nathan smiled as he unzipped the bag to reveal a tube of KY. They were on the same page.
    As he climbed back behind Samantha and set his hands on her sweet sexy ass, she moaned and ground her pussy into Josh’s groin.
    “Baby…” Josh lifted her hips with both hands. “You’re gonna make me come too fast.”
    “Hold yourself up for a second, Samantha.” Nathan grasped her hips above Josh and balanced her on her knees. “Okay, Josh, let her settle over your cock.”
    Josh grasped his length with one hand and lined himself up with Samantha’s entrance.
    Nathan lowered her onto the staff until she was fully seated.
    The groan that escaped Josh’s mouth made Nathan move faster. The man wasn’t going to have much time. Nathan knew he had to be desperate. Josh’s face was contorted as he strained to hold back.
    Nathan popped the lid on the tube in his hand and squeezed out a line of the gel. With one hand, he held Samantha’s rear steady. With the other, he circled her tight hole, spreading the lube around the entrance.
    When Samantha rose up on her hands, Josh urged her chest down onto his. “Relax, baby. Nathan’s got to prepare you.”
    “I can’t…” she muttered.
    “You can.” Josh continued. “We’ll be very gentle. Relax.”
    She lifted her face to look at Josh as Nathan watched her and pushed one finger into her tight hole. To help calm her, he purposefully stroked over the barrier between his finger and Josh.
    Samantha squirmed and a moan escaped her lips. Yep, thought that would do it . He could scent her heightened arousal and she gripped his finger with her ass.
    He joined a second finger with the first and stretched them in opposite directions, marveling at her smooth pale skin against his darker hand. She was like porcelain to his bronze. Being one quarter African American had its advantages. His grandmother provided him with the perfect skin tone women lusted after. At least they used to. Now he was a mated man.
    Nathan stroked his other hand up Samantha’s back as he worked her opening. He brushed against Josh’s hand and didn’t feel any awkwardness at the contact. It was as though they were just buddies enjoying a threesome, even though they’d hardly shared a more than a few sentences and hadn’t met until an hour ago.
    Samantha lifted her torso the scant distance either man allowed and Nathan knew she was as ready as she would get.
    He removed his fingers, wiped them on the

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