Coming Around Again

Coming Around Again by Billy London

Book: Coming Around Again by Billy London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Billy London
difficult this has been
for me and Niels’ father.”
    “You’re right. I wouldn’t, because you haven’t told
me,” Stella reminded her. “Look, I just called to say sorry. The boys are a
touchy subject. And if you spoke to Niels, you’ll know that he’s told them no
more holidays this year. Definitely not abroad and certainly not for their
birthday. It’s taken us a while to be on the same page when it comes to the
twins. So you making broad statements about what they want and when they should
get it…you can’t do that, Alwine. It undermines both me and Niels. That’s all
it is, and I was annoyed, but I’m sorry.”
    “Thank you. I appreciate the apology,” she
    “When is your flight back?”
    “Tomorrow. I was going to stay in a hotel…”
    “Don’t be silly. Come back here. I doubt after a
flight I’d be able to get those two monsters to sleep any time soon. Come here,
have a good sleep, something to eat and I’ll get a cab to drive you to the
    “Are you sure?”
    “I wouldn’t offer otherwise. I bought this amazing
salted beef from the butcher around the corner from my salon. I can’t have it
all myself.”
    Alwine softened. “Well, thank you. That’s very kind
of you, Stella.”
    “Not to worry. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
    Stella ended the call and sent Niels a text. Your
mum’s staying the night. So there. I apologised very nicely.
    In a few moments, she received a text message back. Thank you. You always surprise me with your generosity. Even when it’s not
deserved. Xx
    Kisses? Cheeky bastard. Although putting his mother
up for the night did warrant kisses. Putting his mother up for the night
warranted a whole lot of things that as an ex, Stella wasn’t entitled to any
    When Alwine arrived back, Stella had a rum-filled
hot chocolate for her and a salt beef open sandwich. Alwine’s eyebrows
retreated somewhere into outer space. With a shrug Stella explained that Niels
told her years ago that salt beef was Alwine’s favourite. It was always a treat
in the house if Niels’ family enjoyed one or four.
    “You know, no one’s made me smørrebrød in such a
long time,” Alwine sighed in delight, devouring the sandwiches. “It’s
delicious. I didn’t think you knew…”
    “Anything about Danish food?” Stella concluded.
“When I wasn’t being an abysmal wife to your son, he’d guide me around the
    Guide… Sometimes, irrevocably smack. Mostly fondled
her at any given opportunity. “That’s one of the nicer things about being with
someone from a different culture to you.”
    “He said you liked to eat,” Alwine admitted,
cradling her hot chocolate. “He talks about you. Frequently.”
    Stella cleared her throat. “Complaining, no doubt?”
    She didn’t really want to hear it. “Why didn’t you call me?”
    Alwine bit down on her bottom lip. “You know I was
in a difficult position…”
    “I’ve been part of your family for the better part
of a decade. I had your first grandchildren. When your mother died, I flew with
Niels to Copenhagen. For you. While I was six months pregnant. Your son decides
to leave me and you can’t even call me to ask me if I’m all right?”
    “You’re point-scoring,” Alwine chided.
    “No, I’m upset. I know he’s your son, but didn’t I
deserve a call? Was I so disappointing to you as a daughter-in-law, I didn’t
even warrant a little bit of compassion?”
    Her mother-in-law threw up her hands in dismay. “I
didn’t know what to say to you!”
    “I thought he was making a mistake!” Alwine
blurted. They were both silent for a moment. The older woman took a large gulp
of her hot chocolate and choked. “Goodness, how much alcohol did you put in
    “Only a little bit,” Stella said petulantly.
    Alwine placed her mug down and pushed it into the
middle of the table. “I’m sorry, Stella. I thought you had your own family to
support you and

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