Come On Closer

Come On Closer by Kendra Leigh Castle

Book: Come On Closer by Kendra Leigh Castle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Leigh Castle
very clear “Okay, so we’re still doing this, right?” He wanted what he wanted.
    And damn it, so did she.
    Heat curled through her, starting at her toes and rushing upward, pooling in places that demanded immediate attention from the man standing a breath away from her. Her heart skipped in her chest, her breath coming fast and shallow. She’d known that letting him this close, just one time, would be opening Pandora’s box . . . and sure enough, not quite a week later, here they were again.
    â€œWatch where you’re sticking those fingers,” shesaid. It sounded ridiculously sexual, considering how close they stood, bodies angled into each other. The brief flash of intensity in his expression faded, replaced by more familiar amusement . . . and new, but no less appealing, arousal.
    â€œI am,” he said. And because the man did not appear to be a fan of subtlety, he placed one hand on her hip and leaned into her while he reached around to pilfer her cookie dough anyway. The connection between them was electric. Larkin’s body lifted, seemingly of its own will, to press against him. She heard his breath catch, felt his fingers dig into her hip through her sweats.
    This was what she hadn’t been able to resist, and she knew it. So close to Shane, every rational objection seemed to fade away in favor of the heat that snapped between them like a live flame. So what if he was a wealthy, womanizing bad boy? So what if her track record with guys was a still-smoldering Dumpster fire? He was funny! And hot! And basically every fiber of her being wanted to have crazy monkey sex with him! What could go wrong?
    He sucked the dough off his finger, and Larkin couldn’t help but think it was only a brief hint at all the amazing things he could do with that mouth. Shane seemed to sense his opening and made no move to put more space between them. He touched his forehead to hers. “Tastes good. You didn’t answer my question, though.”
    â€œQuestion?” she asked. Something about dating. A technical question. But he was wearing that spicy musk she was always wanting to lick off, and there was a deeply distracting throbbing at the apex of her thighs, and technical questions were the last thing on hermind. He was hard, too—she could feel the rigid length of him against her, hot against her lower belly.
    â€œYou know what? Never mind. It wasn’t a question,” he growled.
    Funny, she thought through her haze, that he was the one so eager to put a label on this. Right now, as long as he kept his hands on her, she didn’t care what they called it. That was, of course, a problem. One she would deal with . . . later.
    Because, God help her, she was going to do the stupid thing. And she was going to enjoy every ill-advised second of it.
    â€œWe were supposed to start with dinner or a movie or something,” she murmured, more to herself than anyone. She reached up to trace his lips with her finger, finding them as soft and warm as she’d imagined. He caught the tip playfully in his teeth, then released it with a gentle scrape. She shivered, heart stumbling in her chest.
    â€œWe ate cookie dough,” he said. “That counts as dinner.”
    â€œYeah, close enough,” Larkin said, and slid her fingers over the nape of his neck, into the coarse crop of his hair. Then his mouth was on hers, and it was no brief, questioning brush of his lips this time. Tonight, Shane simply plunged, and she willingly went with him.
    Rational thought vanished the instant he crushed his mouth against hers. It was hot and primal, a complete possession that left Larkin shaking.
This. I need this.
All she could do was hang on to him, her nails biting into his shoulders while he tasted her with his tongue, his teeth. There was an edge of roughness to his kiss, a sense of barely leashed restraint that was as intoxicating as the scent of his skin. Shane

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