Come Into Darkness

Come Into Darkness by Daniel I. Russell

Book: Come Into Darkness by Daniel I. Russell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel I. Russell
Something had moved within, too deep to be seen. He faced Kerry and the blonde man.
    “Shit,” he muttered. “Run, Kerry! Into the dark!”
    She jumped back, narrowly avoiding a heavy swipe. The man’s fingers cut through the air inches from her face.
    “What?” she screamed.
    “Just run!”
    Kerry bolted into the surrounding murk.
    The man stopped and seemed to process the sudden disappearance of his prey. Hand still outstretched, he glanced at Mario and stepped towards him. His pure white teeth glistened under the spotlight.
    “Not him,” ordered Worth. He rolled his eyes. “Go after her!”
    The man-mountain grunted and slipped into the shadows.
    Kerry screamed.
    “Bravo,” said Worth. “About time one of you chumps did something right.”
    Mario listened to Kerry’s muffled screams, and the sounds of a scuffle on the rocky ground.
    “You…bastard,” spat his father. “Coward!”
    “Sit still,” said Mario. He noticed the veins bulging at the back of his father’s hands. More blood travelled along the wires like scarlet cable cars. They pooled on the desk.
    A shriek rang out, and a group of figures entered the hazy light by the door. Kerry kicked and fought, surrounded by three brutish figures. All three wore the same suit, the same hairstyle, the same frantic, fixed grin.
    One clamped his giant hand across Kerry’s mouth. Together, they bundled her through the door and out of sight. The door slammed shut, and the exit sign blinked out. Darkness reigned once more.
    “Much better,” said Worth. “Whiney little madam! Been keen to get rid of her since her first room.” He settled back in his chair. “Yes, much better. Much…calmer. Now, what were we discussing?”
    Mario’s body refused to move, still shocked by Kerry’s ejection. He wondered where they had taken her and what they could possibly have planned for the girl.
    And if they can make her vanish so easily…what can they do to me?
    He wiped his hands.
    “Ah!” said Worth. “That’s right. Your…masculinity… That gives me an idea… I think you need to prove yourself after that no-show of bravado. Didn’t even try and save the girl…” He shook his head.
    “It was her choice,” said Mario. “She could have done as she was told.”
    Worth smiled. “Wise words. Perhaps one will do well to remember them.” He pointed at the box on the wall. “Now is the time to prove yourself, Mr. Fulcinni. In that box lies the way out of here, and the way out of the living nightmare: everyday of your fetid life. Put your ghosts to rest. Clear your conscience. Do the right thing.”
    “My conscience is clear,” said Mario, yet the image of the eyeless, bleeding Laurie popped into his mind. He shoved it away. Nightmares can’t force guilt.
    Worth twiddled his moustache.
    Just play along, wait him out. A chance will show itself.
    Mario wiped the sweat from his brow. The muscles in his neck ached from tilting his head back to see the balcony. He rubbed the tense cords beneath his skin.
    “A clear conscience? I think your father might have a different opinion.”
    “Shut your mouth, Worth,” said Mario, anger flaring like a red flash bulb. “He has no say in this. No say in anything after what he did!”
    Worth nodded. “So very true after all that transpired. He’s been gagged. One might call the metal mask symbolic!”
    Mario closed his eyes, trying to shut out Worth’s voice. The booming words seemed to vibrate in Mario’s bones.
    “Let’s see what your father has to say, shall we? We’ve finally given him a voice.” Worth wiped the lapels of his old jacket, removing dust or dandruff or something worse. “When you’re ready,” he said, glancing up. “I’m sure you have your son’s undivided attention, sir.”
    Stay up there, old man, because when you get close enough, I’ll grab that haggard neck of yours and-
    “Run,” his father hissed. “If you can’t help me, then run!”
    Mario ignored him.

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