Colour Bar

Colour Bar by Susan Williams

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Authors: Susan Williams
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    Susan Williams is the author of many books, most recently
The People’s King: The True Story of the Abdication
The Children of London
(2001) and
Ladies of Influence
(2000). She has also edited several anthologies, of which
The Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women
won the World Science Fiction and Fantasy Award for Best Anthology in 1996. She grew up in Zambia and has worked in Britain, Zimbabwe and Canada. She lives in London and is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London.
Colour Bar
    The triumph of Seretse Khama and his nation

    Published by the Penguin Group
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    First published by Allen Lane 2006
Published in Penguin Books 2007
    Copyright © Susan Williams, 2006
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    The moral right of the author has been asserted
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    EISBN: 978–0–141–90092–6
    For Gervase
    List of Illustrations
    Note on Language
    PROLOGUE: Letter from Nelson Mandela on the death of Sir Seretse Khama
    The House of Khama
    1 From Africa to wartorn Britain
    2 Love match
    3 The Bechuanaland Protectorate
    4 The decision of the Bangwato Assembly
    5 Ruth
    A Conspiracy of Nations
    6 The dark shadow of apartheid
    7 Our Mother –
    8 The Harragin Inquiry
    9 ‘A fit and proper person to be Chief’
    10 Tricked by the British Government
    Lies and Denials From Whitehall
    11 The humiliation of Sir Evelyn Baring
    12 Cover-up
    13 In Africa, but kept apart
    14 Together in Lobatse
    15 Into exile
    16 Livingin London
    17 Six thousand miles away from home
    18 Banished forever
    19 Envoys for justice
    20 Sorrow in Serowe
    Colonial Freedom
‘The BigIssue of This Century’
    21 A watershed in opinion
    22 The campaign intensifies
    23 The ending of exile
    24 ‘Before their eyes it rained’
    25 The wind of change
Botswana 1966
    List of Abbreviations
    List of Archive Repositories
    Select Bibliography
List of Illustrations
Photographic acknowledgements are given in parentheses
    1 Seretse Khama aged four with Semane, 1925 (
Khama family collection
    2 Seretse Khama and Charles Njonjo walkingdown a London street (
Khama family collection
    3 Regent Tshekedi Khama leaving the Office of the British High Commissioner, South Africa, Pretoria 1949 (
, The Star)
    4 Seretse Khama walkingin Serowe, 1950, photograph by Bert Hardy (
Hulton Archive/Getty Images
    5 Ruth Khama with kittens in Serowe, 1950 (
Khama family collection
    6 Seretse and Ruth Khama sharing a meal with Kgosi Mokgosi, Serowe, 1950,

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