Colin's Quest

Colin's Quest by Shirleen Davies

Book: Colin's Quest by Shirleen Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirleen Davies
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    “I remember. My father and I weren’t far away and saw most of it. If it helps, I would have had the same reaction as Colin. I would’ve fought for you…or any woman I loved.”
    His comment warmed her, even though she knew Caleb also referred to the woman who’d turned her back on him.
    “We did ignore Da, seeing each other for the last time the night before we turned north for Oregon. He gave me this brooch, asked me to marry him, and said he’d come for me. I said yes.”
    Caleb had wondered about the beautiful jewelry she was never without. Now he knew its meaning.
    “Is that why you left home?”
    “In a way, yes.” Taking another bite of pie, she allowed herself to show the slightest amount of pleasure at the way she’d stood up to her da. “We were celebrating my birthday at the hotel restaurant. Da invited Wes Bell to join us. With no warning, Da announced he’d made an agreement with Wes for the two of us to marry.”
    Caleb’s brows knit together. He’d heard as much from the men who worked for the Bells, wondering if it were true. “You refused?”
    “Most certainly. And I wasn’t quiet about it. I announced my promise to Colin and refused to honor the agreement Da made. Then I left.”
    “And moved in with the Olfords.”
    “Even if they hadn’t offered a room, I still would not have returned to the ranch. It no longer felt like my home. Does any of this make sense?” she asked, pushing away the rest of her pie.
    “Believe me, it makes complete sense. You’re a grown woman, Sarah. A fact your father refuses to accept. He thinks he can tie you to the hatreds and traditions of the old country. Don’t misunderstand. Many of the traditions are good and should be continued. However, feuds shouldn’t be a part of them. They have no place in our new lives.”
    “You speak as if you know a bit about it.”
    A grin touched the corners of his mouth. “As a Stewart, we know both hatred and strong alliances. You may not know this, but the Stewarts and MacLarens were once allies. We fought next to each other at Culloden.” Finishing his coffee, he leaned forward, reaching across the table to cover her hand with his. “The same as the MacLarens, we put aside our hatred of those who fought against us and moved on. Your father should do the same.”

    The rain had stopped as Colin, Quinn, and Brodie turned in for the night. By morning, the sun shone bright, allowing them to make good time, stopping once before continuing to River City. If the information provided in Mindell could be trusted, they should reach their destination in time for supper.
    They heard the pounding of hooves before seeing the group of men appear in the trail ahead of them. Not liking the look of them, Colin rested his hand on the butt of his gun and waited. Brodie and Quinn reined their horses to a stop on either side of him, no one speaking, even as each felt the tension in the others.
    “Gentlemen,” the one in front called out. Sitting tall in the saddle, he moved his horse forward.
    “That’s close enough.” Colin signaled his cousins to spread out.
    “Where you boys headed?” the leader asked, not missing the way Brodie and Quinn put distance between themselves and Colin.
    “I don’t believe it’s any of your business.” Colin kept his gaze on the leader while trying to keep track of the others.
    “I’m Sheriff Joe Walker and these are my deputies.” He pulled his coat aside so they could see his badge. “We’re following four brothers who robbed a bank and rode south. You want to tell me what you’re doing out this way?”
    Colin relaxed, but didn’t move his hand away from his gun as he spoke. Introducing himself, Quinn, and Brodie, he explained where they were from and a little about their trip. “We hope to be in River City tonight.”
    “Well, then, you won’t mind if my deputies search your saddlebags.” Walker nodded toward his men.
    Glancing at Quinn and Brodie, he nodded. Walker

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