Cold Case at Carlton's Canyon
his social status and the extra burden of helping him start his business, his father could have broken.”
    Amanda sighed wearily. “I know logically you’re right. But it’s hard for me to believe that a serial killer has been living in Sunset Mesa all this time and no one caught on.”
    Justin wanted to cut her some slack. “Sometimes people are blinded because they’re too close to the situation.”
    “To see the forests for the trees,” Amanda finished. “But surely a friend or family member would have noticed something suspicious.”
    Justin parked, noting as they walked up the sidewalk that the office space was the nicest building on the street. Reisling must have spent some major bucks on renovations. “It’s possible that the killer lives alone. Or that if a family member noticed something suspicious, he or she is in denial.”
    Amanda sighed. “Or they feel indebted enough to the unsub not to turn him in.”
    He reached for the door to the office. “That would fit Donald. He has to feel indebted to his father.”
    “I don’t like this,” Amanda said. “But I like even less the fact that a killer might have been hiding in town right under my nose.”
    Justin squeezed her arm. A dangerous move because heat blazed through him instantly. Amanda glanced down at his arm, then licked her lips, drawing his gaze to her mouth.
    Damn. She had luscious full lips. Lips he wanted to taste.
    “Don’t beat yourself up, Amanda,” he said softly. “This string of disappearances started long before you took office. You were only a teenager back then.”
    “Yes, but when I think about my classmates, I can’t imagine any one of them committing these crimes.”
    He dropped his hand and opened the door. “Let’s talk to Reisling.”
    The inside of the office was plush and modern, nothing like the Western feel of the town. Steel gray and chrome furniture, a high-tech computer where a receptionist sat and expensive artwork.
    He didn’t feel as if he was in Texas anymore.
    Amanda led the way to the receptionist’s desk. “We need to talk to Mr. Reisling.”
    The middle-aged woman with platinum hair frowned up at Amanda, giving her a jolt of surprise.
    “Mrs. Kane, I didn’t realized you worked here.” Or that she worked at all. She had been the country-club type.
    “Yes,” the woman said with a sheepish look. “I’ve been here a couple of years now. Mr. Reisling’s good to me.”
    Amanda glanced sideways at Justin. “Is he in, ma’am? It’s important we talk to him.”
    Confusion marred the woman’s face, which obviously had had some touch-up work. “Can I tell him what this is about?”
    Justin flashed his badge. “Tell him it’s urgent police business.”
    She rose, diamonds and jewels glittering, then disappeared through a doorway that probably led to more offices in the back.
    “You seemed surprised to see her here,” Justin said.
    Amanda jammed her hands in the pockets of her jacket. “I am. She was one of those tennis moms who had maids and martini lunches.”
    Justin started to say something more, but the door opened, and Mrs. Kane waved them through, then led them into a hallway and to an office space that was even plusher than the entry and waiting area. The computer system outdid the sheriff’s office’s ancient one by thousands of dollars.
    Mr. Reisling greeted them with shakes of their hands and indicated for them to seat themselves in the area in the corner. A sparkling water decanter sat by crystal glasses, along with a fancy espresso machine, and a fully loaded bar ran along the back wall. Reisling offered them a drink, but Amanda shook her head and Justin cut straight to the chase.
    “Mr. Reisling, we’re investigating the disappearance of several young women from this area over the past ten years, the most recent being Kelly Lambert. We also recently recovered the body of Tina Grimes.”
    Mr. Reisling smoothed a hand over his red tie. “I don’t understand what that has to do

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