Cold Case at Carlton's Canyon
friendliness faded from Donald’s face. “Even if I did harbor resentment toward Lynn, why the hell would I hurt Kelly?” His voice rose an octave. “Besides, I thought some sicko stalker was kidnapping those women.”
    Justin crossed his arms. “It’s possible that the kidnapper hates all women who remind him of the one who first hurt him.”
    Tension stretched between the two men as Donald realized the implications of Justin’s statement.
    Donald pressed a hand over his chest. “Look, that person is not me. I decided a long time ago that anger was only holding me back.”
    “That’s very mature of you,” Justin said.
    Amanda pursed her lips. “So you forgave Lynn?”
    “Yes.” A mixture of emotions seethed in Donald’s eyes. “You may not believe me, but look at me.” He gestured at his chair. “Even if I wanted revenge or was this sick person you’re talking about, how the hell would I kidnap anyone and get away with it?”
    “Donald, we’re just trying to get to the truth,” Amanda said calmly. “One of the missing women was found in Camden Creek. She’d been strangled and was holding one of our class rings.”
    “So you think someone in our class murdered her?”
    Justin spoke up. “Someone who had a beef with the females. After your accident, we heard that the girls turned you down for dates.”
    Pain wrenched Donald’s eyes. “I admit it was a rough time, but that doesn’t make me a killer.”
    “We’re talking to everyone still in town and everyone coming in for the reunion,” Amanda said.
    “What about your father?” Justin asked.
    A muscle ticked in Justin’s jaw. “What about him?”
    “You may have forgiven Lynn and accepted your situation, but did he?” Justin asked. “He probably enjoyed watching you play basketball. He had big dreams for you. Then those dreams were crushed because some teenager caused your paralysis. That would be enough to set off any parent.”
    Donald gripped the wheels of his chair and flew around his desk. “I think you need to leave now.”
    “Please, Donald,” Amanda said. “If you know anything about Tina’s death or Kelly’s disappearance, tell me. I don’t want to see anyone else hurt.”
    Donald gestured toward the door. “I told you what I know. Now, if you want to talk to me again, go through my attorney.”
    * * *
    “I WANT TO talk to Reisling’s father,” Justin said as they left the estate.
    Amanda fastened her seat belt. “He has an office in town.”
    “You feel sorry for the guy, don’t you?” Justin asked.
    Amanda twisted sideways to look at him. “I don’t know what to think. If he’s truly forgiven Lynn, then maybe he’s found some peace and happiness and he’s not our perp.”
    “But his father might be,” Justin pointed out. “A parent’s love is the strongest bond there is. I’ve seen fathers, especially fathers of athletes, do outrageous things to help their kids succeed.”
    “I know there are stories of fistfights at little league games, and dopers at the Olympics—”
    “And parents who sought revenge against another person for hurting their child.”
    Amanda bit her lip as they lapsed into silence.
    Ten minutes later, they arrived at Reisling’s office on the corner of town. Justin faintly wondered why the man hadn’t kept his office at home as his son had, but figured Reisling had other employees working for him and needed a professional space.
    He was worried about Amanda, too. Knowing the people in town made it more difficult for her to treat them as suspects.
    She obviously hadn’t seen the harsh realities he had on the job. Teenagers killing their parents. Husbands and wives taking out hits on one another.
    Babies abused and children mistreated in heinous ways.
    “Were you and Donald friends growing up?”
    Amanda shook her head. “I told you before, I wasn’t in the popular crowd. He was.”
    “Until the accident,” Justin clarified. “Coupled with the loss of his scholarship, losing

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