Cold-Blooded Beautiful

Cold-Blooded Beautiful by Christine Zolendz

Book: Cold-Blooded Beautiful by Christine Zolendz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Zolendz
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with a patient .
    My eyes quickly scanned the room.  Her coat is neatly hung on a hook and her bag lay on her desk.
    One of the clinic nurses came in behind me and cleared her throat, “May I help you, sir?”
    I spun around, smiling like a bloody kid at Christmas; a huge Mt. Everest sized diamond, hiding deep within my pocket.  “Hey, Evelyn.  Where’s Sam?”
    “Oh, Kade.  I didn’t recognize you.  Um, Samantha hasn’t come in yet.  I tried calling her cell, but I can’t reach her.  She missed all of her appointments today.  I’ve been rescheduling them all day.”
    What the hell was she going on about? 
    How could that be? The stuff she left from home with this morning was laying on her desk, her coat hanging on the hook.  She had to come here this morning. Fuck me sideways; this tart must be stupid.  They must give nursing degrees to anybody.
    Yet, she stood there.  Stern.  Serious. 
    My jaw tightened.  Fists clenched.  Somebody was bloody lying to me.  Something was wrong.
    “Bollocks.  She has to be here, Evelyn.  All her bloody belongings are here.  Her coat.  Her pocketbook.  Stop messing with me,” I snapped.
    “I’m not, Kade.  I’m being serious.  I haven’t seen her all day,” she said, raising her brows, and handed me her phone. “Look at all the texts and calls I’ve sent her.  She’s replied to none of them.”
    Assumptions can kill you.  They are the devil in disguise of a normal everyday moment.  Assumptions are never really considered; they are just the reality you believe as truth.  I assumed that Samantha was at the family clinic.  Safe.  I never doubted her whereabouts.  I never considered that anything could go wrong.  Not until it was too late. 
    I called her cell, but there was no answer, so  I left a message.
    Then I left five more.
    Her coat was on her desk.  Her pocketbook too, but I couldn’t find her . 
    She never showed up to the clinic that morning.  No one had seen her.  The words kept announcing themselves in my head.  She’s gone , they taunted.
    I called Jen.
    Jen hadn’t seen her, and Dylan had been with me all day.  They dropped everything and were on their way, just as worried as I was.
    I left another message on her voice mail and looked at the time.  It was three o’clock in the afternoon.  That meant she had been missing for at least five hours.
    Blood rushed past my ear, throbbed in my veins.  Panic.
    A few minutes before, I assumed Samantha was fine, didn’t even consider anything could go wrong.  Just as tomorrow, I assumed the sun would rise and another new day would begin, but not for me, not if Samantha was gone.  If she were gone, my world would forever be plunged into darkness.
    Just bloody calm down.  Think.
    The question to answer, was did she leave on her own, or was she in trouble?  Was there an accident?  Couldn’t be, her stuff was there.  Did she get locked in a closet somewhere?  If she was in a bloody closet with someone else, I will rip every inch of his skin off, and make myself a suit.
    Grabbing her purse, I looked through her stuff.  Her wallet was still inside, so she couldn’t have gone far.  She had to be in the hospital somewhere.  Maybe there was a trauma, and she was needed in emergency?  We’re a bunch of bloody morons, that’s got to be what happened!
    My eyes dropped to her desk.
    A small pale pink Post-It note was stuck dead center on her desk.
    A small note; addressed to me .
    Sorry.  This is too much for me.  I’m suffocating here.
    Everyone will be better off if I leave.
    Holding the note up to my face, I crushed it silently into my fist.  Complete self-destruction in 3, 2, 1.
    The edge of my vision exploded in reds and oranges; licks of heat and flame.  Quick and savage, my fist holding the note slammed into the mirror that ran along her office wall, shattering it into webbed strands that traveled to every edge.  My reflection was broken, fractured

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