Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC

Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black

Book: Club Property: Adults Only Motorcycle Club Romance: Roadrunners MC by Selena Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Selena Black
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once his friends were settled in place. He drove out onto still-quiet streets to get the journey to Portland started. The volume of traffic started to build as they made their way towards the outskirts of the city, and the three of them remained alert to their surroundings.
    They relaxed when they reached the main highway without incident and Patch and Six settled down to try and get some rest. Taking on the driving duties meant that Crash needed to stay focused, and it was for this reason that he first noticed the black sedan. It was a powerful enough vehicle to easily overtake the truck, but the driver seemed content to hang behind them.
    Crash knew it could just be the nervousness of being on a job making him imagine things, but the fact the car seemed content to tail them rather than coming past seemed suspicious to him. When he saw the sign for the gas station a few miles ahead, he made up his mind to pull into it and did so when he finally reached the entrance.
    “The truck was filled up before we left,” Six commented.
    “Yeah, I can see that,” Crash replied and looked at the gauge on the dashboard as he brought the truck to a stop in front of the large pay station.
    “So, why are we stopping?” Six went on.
    “Nerves are getting to me,” Crash answered.
    The other two men glanced at each other before looking at him.
    “What the fuck are you talking about?” Patch asked.
    “I didn’t say anything because I wasn’t sure,” Crash said. “But I got the distinct impression there was a black sedan tailing us on the highway.”
    “For how long?” Six asked.
    “I first noticed it around twenty minutes ago,” Crash carried on. “It could easily have gone past us, but it sat a couple of hundred yards behind and just matched our speed. It might have just been a careful driver for all I know, but it seemed suspicious.”
    “It didn’t follow us into the gas station?” Six queried.
    “No,” Crash said. “It carried on past when I came in here.”
    So… it was just your imagination,” Patch said.
    “I guess so,” Crash replied. “Do either of you want anything from the store?”
    “We might as well come in with you now that we’ve stopped,” Six said.
    The three of them got out of the vehicle to go inside and all bought a sandwich and a drink. It was a quick breakfast as they sat on a bench in front of the pay station and they returned to the truck to get the journey restarted when they were finished eating.
    “Let’s get this done,” Six said.
    Crash turned the key in the ignition and headed for the gas station exit to get them on the highway. He tried to relax when the truck was traveling smoothly in the traffic, but the niggling doubt that the car he saw meant trouble wouldn’t leave his mind. It was thirty minutes later when he knew he was right.
    “Fuck,” he cursed in a harsh voice. “It’s there again.”
    “The black sedan?” Six asked.
    “Yeah,” Crash answered. “It must have gone on ahead when we turned into the gas station then found somewhere to stop and waited.”
    “You’re sure it’s the same car?” Patch asked.
    “Same car, same fucking distance,” Crash replied. “It’s sitting about one fifty to two hundred yards behind and just tailing us. I’m sure of it.”
    “Can you see who’s in it?” Six asked.
    “It’s too far,” Crash said. “And the windows are blacked out. This is fucking bad news.”
    “Is it the cops?” Patch asked in a nervous voice.
    “How the hell would they know about our job?” Crash asked.
    “Slow down and see what happens,” Six ordered.
    Crash gradually let his foot rise on the accelerator pedal to slow down the truck and kept his eyes on the rear view mirror.
    “They’re not catching up,” he said after a few minutes. “Whoever there fuckers are, they’re definitely shadowing

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