Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3)

Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) by Unknown

Book: Closer to the Heart (The Heart Trilogy Book 3) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
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kisses. His fingers just caught the swell of her breast as he slid his hand further round her back.
    Her nipples peaked against the fabric, the chiffon although soft seemed to aggravate them further and she pressed in closer trying to rub them against the material of his shirt. She moved her hand so that she stroked the base of his neck and then moved her fingers around to run them over the stubble of his cheek. God she wanted him so much. Feeling bold she moved her lips from his to whisper urgently in his ear.
    “I want you now”
    “Pardon” he asked, pulling away.
    “I want you” she repeated.
    “How much”
    “Come up to my room and I'll show you” she moved her lips back to his as if to press home the point of her longing.
    She reached to take his hand in hers and pulling it to her lips she took his index finger into her mouth. Licking and then sucking it like she would his cock. Zach trembled and wanted to give in to he r plea s but he needed to stay in control. Slowly he pulled his finger out and then stepped back from her grasp.
    “My taxi will be here any minute” he said, straightening his shirt and at the same time loosening his tie and top button.
    “Cancel it” she demanded “Stay here with me”
    Her voice tugged at his resolve, but he couldn't let her win, he wanted her to beg for him and not just when she was drunk and lonely.
    She reached for him but he stepped out of reach.
    “Taxi for Mr King” a waiter called as he entered the room.
    “Told you” he smirked, reaching to pull on the jacket that he had discarded on the chair. Charlotte stood and stared in disbelief as he wandered past her to the doorway. He turned to look back at her and his resolve nearly faltered. She walked slowly towards him and pressed against him once more, her lips grazing his for a final time. Then she turned and wandered up the large staircase, never looking back as tears stung her eyes.

    Chapter 13
    Opening the doors of the bridal suite James picked me up and effortlessly carried me into the room, kicking the door shut behind us.
    “At last” he breathed, as still in his arms he kissed me. Then he walked towards the bed and placed me on the covers.
    “So Mr Cooke, what shall we do now” I asked, my eyes could not hide the deep love I felt for him. It had lingered in my heart for twenty five years but now he was mine completely.
    “I'm going to spoil you rotten, cater to your every whim and desire” he declared.
    Noticing the bottle of champagne chilling in the ice bucket beside the bed he reached to pop the cork. The golden liquid splashed into the flutes and he passed one to me.
    “Cheers” I replied, taking a sip and letting the cool bubbles meet the heat within.
    Putting my glass dow n I stood up and slipped out of my shoes and looked across at my new husband.
    “Can you help with the zip” I asked, turning so that my back was to him. He found it concealed beneath the draping chiffon and as my dress slipped to the floor I turned to face him.
    “Even more stunning” he exclaimed, his hands running gently down the lace of my bra and briefs. He caught the top of my stockings and unhooked the catches. Kneeling down his breath whispered over the skin he revealed as he rolled each of them off.
    Standing back up I undid the buttons on his shirt as it slipped from his back. Then his trousers followed suit and slid down his muscular thighs. We stopped for a moment and even though we had been together for six months we still revelled in the sight and feel of each other.
    “Love this underwear” James breathed, as he nibbled my earlobe.
    “You might want to explore it a little more closely then as it includes my something blue”
    I watched his puzzled look as he scanned the cream lace of my bra. Taking a moment to free my breasts he kissed each nipple as they stood erect for him.
    I stepped back and sat down on the edge of the bed, dizzy with desire. He dropped

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